Friday 18 July 2014

Vyaasa maharshi shows all the deceased warriors to Dhrutharashtra and others

Dhrutharashtra replied Vyaasa maharshi that it was not difficult for them to adjust to the life in the woods.Dharmaraju was looking after him and Gaandhaari very nicely. Dhrutharashtra was having affection for Dharmaraju and his brothers.Kunthee devi was looking after their welfare in the woods in a satisfying manner.They could achieve knowledge and calm and composed mind with Vyaasas blessings.Droupadi saluted the great sage and he blessed her. Vyaasa asked Dhrutharashtra that he would fulfill their desires if at all they had any with his power of penance. Dhrutharashtra told Vyaasa that his son,Duryodhana was cruel and was the root cause of the entire destruction of Kourava dynasty. He wanted Vyaasa to tell and explain what happened to all of them after their death in the war. Gaandhaari ,then,told Vyaasa that since their death in the war,Dhrutharashtras one and only desire was too see all his children in flesh and blood. So,hey great sage1if youcan show them ,in whatever place they might be,we would all be happy.Vyaasa maharshi accepted to show all of them to these people. He went to the banks of Ganga and took all of them along with him.All the sages also accompanied them .Civillians ,who accompanied Dharmaraju and his family to Dhrutharashtra,also went along with them.Next day morning, Vyaasa promised to show all the dead warriors to them. That whole night,no one could sleep properly. Next day morning, he went into the Ganga waters and called every one to come there. As soon as he called them,from the river Duryodhana and all his brothers,their sons, Abhimanyuand other grand sons of Pandu raju, KARNA,Bahlikudu,other kourava warriors,Virata and Drupada kings,Sakuni and his sons,theirrelations, Bheeshma and Drona ...all came one by one. They were all clad in celestial clothes, their bodies were glowing and with aura,.They all came with their families. Vyaasa gave sepcial sight to Dhrutharashtra to see his children and relatives.Gaandhaari also removed the cloth ,she usually ties across her eyes to see her children.All those deceased warriors ,who were coming from the river Ganga,were happy and talking with each other. There was no enmity among themselves.They were not proud. They were clean minded. They spent that entire day happily with their grand parents,teachers,mothers,grand mothers,fathers,brothers,brothers in law,and sons in law.Next day ,they started to go in to the river.Then ,Vyaasa maharshi told that who ever wanted to do sathi sahagamana with their husbands could do so.widows of the deceased warriors took permission from Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari and did sahagamana by going into the river with their husbands.They all went to devalokam. Vyaasa then advised Dhrutharashtra like this.Dhrutharashtra!you have seen your dead sons and their families and their children.So,do not pine for them from now on wards. You advise Dharma raju to return back to HASTHINAPURA AND RULE THE COUNTRY. DHARAMA RAJU TOOK PERMISSION FROM THEM AND WENT TO Hasthinapura along with his brothers.

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