Tuesday 22 July 2014

Tribals snatch away yaadava women

Tribal thieves saw Arjuna at Panchavatam. They observed that all were women,children,aged people and soldiers were not there.Arjuna was the only one who had arrows and bow for their protection.They came in groups to loot them.Arjuna stated that he would protect them and started to fight. But,alas!,he could not use any of the powerful arrows. He forgot the manthras that are to be chanted while using them.Even those arrows which he released had lost their power and they could not harm the thieves and dacoits.He could not give them a stiff fight. He understood that it was the fate that was doing the trick. With utmost difficulty,he could save eight queens of Sri Krishna,Balarams wives and few yaadava women.Kiraathaka tribals took away other sixteen thousand wives of Sri Krishna and other beautiful yaadava women.With utmost difficulty ,he took them to Kurukshethra and informed his people of his arrival. Arjuna handed over Mruththikaavathapuram to the son of Krutha varma and told him to rule that place as a king.He handed over city Saraswathi to son of Saathyaki.He took Vajradevudu to Indraprasdham and made him the king.He distributed the elephants,horses and treasures equally among the three of them. Now ,he wanted to tell about the niryaana of Sri Krishna to his eight wives .Along with his people he went to Rukoni and other wives of Sri Krishna and told them about how he had found the dead body of Dri Krishna and Balarama and how he completed the last rites to them. They all wept.Just because he did not want them to die when sea engulfs Dwaaraka,he took them out,he said.They understood his plight and pacified him. Rukmini,Jaambavathi and Balaramas wives wanted to follow sathi and Arjuna made all the aarangements with heavy heart. Sathyabhama and other wives wanted to do penance.Vyaasa came there and Arjuna fell at his feet with grief. Vyaasa askedhim ,why he was like that and how he could not identify him. Arjunas face was so pathetic. Arjuna explained him the latest developments and about Sri Krishnas niryaana.Vyaasa consoled him that it happened due to the curse of sages. Sri Krishna already knew about it and was calm and composed.No One could change time and fate.Vyaasa advised Arjuna to try and attain salvation without any further thought.Arjuna reachedHasthinapura and told about these things to Dharmaraju.

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