Saturday, 19 July 2014

Mousala parvamu...curse of sages

Vaisampaayana maharshi was telling the story Bharatham to Janamejaya king.Dharmaraju ruled the country for thirty five years after Kurukshethra war.After that he saw bad omens.He received information that all yaadavas fought among themselves and got killed except for Sree Krishna and BALARAM.He told this information to his brothers.Vaisampaayana maharshi explained this to Janamejaya king. One day,Kanva maharshi,Naarada and Viswamithra had gone to Dwaraka to visit Sree Krishna.Sons of Yaadavas dressed Saambudu like a pregnant woman and took him to these sages. They saluted them and asked which child,whether girl or boy was going to be borne to that woman.Sambudu was son of Sri Krishna.Sages understood that they were making fun of sages. They got angry and cursed like this.that man was going to give birth to musalam which is going to be detrimental to the entire yaadava dynasty.Our words are not a joke! except Sri Krishna and Balaram,entire yaadava dynasty is going to bedestroyed by the musalam.Musalam is a stout stick.It is also called as rokali.Balarama is going to immerse himself in the ocean and leave his body.While Sree Krishna would lie down, a demon named Jara ,would slowly engulf him.Sages thought it would not be right to meet Sri Krishna and so returned back to their abodes without meeting Sri Krishna.Sri Krishna came to know about this affair later. Sri Krishna knew what all was going to happen in future but he was not interested in reverting back .He told his people that it was Gods act and they should not think it was the fault of his fellow men.Next Day, Sambudu gave birth to Musalamu.Vasudevudu was aghast to know this. He powdered Musalamu and sprinkled it in to the sea.They could not understand that no one can alleviate sages curse.Yaadavaas were afraid of Gaandhaaris curse also.So many bad omens appeared in Dwaraka. All the yaadavas and Brahmins were troubled for no known reason.

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