Sunday, 6 July 2014

Dharmaraju completes Aswamedhayaagam

Dharmaraju was following how ARJUNA WAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETING HIS TASK. He was happy for his brothers accomplishment.He called his other younger brothers on maagha poornima day and explained Arjunas success story to them.Next they had to invite sages and other kings for the yaagam. They had to complete yaagasaala construction .They had to make arrangements for accomodation of sages and kings.Bheema sent Brahmins to invite all the sages,kings for the yaaga.He completed all the tasks entrusted to him by Dharmaraju.He welcomed every one who came to attend the yaaga with full respect.There was no shoartage for food and beverages. Lakhs and lakhs of people attended the yaaga and they were satisfied with the arrangements made .For every one lakh people who completed meals,bells were ringing. and they were ringing continously. It means that almost entire country was present there. Bheema,Nakula and Sahadeva gave warm welcome to the kings.Balarama,Sree Krishna and Sathyaki also came to attend the function. In the mean time,a servant came and told Dharmaraju that Arjuna was about to arrive at HASTHINA PURA IN SHORT TIME. dHARMA RAJU WAS VERY PLEASED TO HEAR THE NEWS AND GAVE HIM PRESENTS.Dhamrmaraju,Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtra,,Sree Krishna and his other brothers went to receive Arjuna.Arjuna took the blessings of his elders.Every one was happy. Babhruvaahana came along with Chithraangada and Uloochi.kuntheedevi,Subhadra,Droupadi Gaandhaari and Dhtutharashtra and all others were happy to meet Babhruvaahana ,Uloochi and CHithraangada. Vyaasa maharshi came and advised Dharmaraju to start the yagna.He told Dharmaraju that he was very rich and he is supposed to give donations to the tune of three times of his wealth.By doing this mahaa yagna, sin caused by jnaathi vadha, ie killing of kith and kin and close relations ,would be wiped out.Every thing that is good would come to him.Ruthviks and yaajniks performed the yajna according to the procedure correctly.Dharmaraju gave crores of his money to those who attended the yajna.He gave his entire land to Vyaasa maharshi.Vyaasa maharshi told Dharmaraju to take the land and give gold in return to the value of land.Dharmaraju told him that he,along with his brothers would go to the woods and live there. he would not take back the land he donated to Vyaasa maharshi.Every one was happy with the proceedings. Sree krishna advised Dharmaraju to do as per the wish of Vyaasa maharshi.Dharmaraju gave gold equal to the value of land to Vyaasa maharshi. Vyaasamaharshi took it and gave it to the Brahmins and Ruthviks.Golden pillars that were made for the construction of yagna saala were given to Brahmins by Dharmaraju.Remaining gold ,Dharmaraju gave it to the people of other castes.Every one praised Dharmaraju that he did the yagnam like Maruththu emperor.Vyaasa gave his portion of gold to Kunthee devi. She in turn donated to the brahmins and other castes.Dharmaraju fell on the feet of Vyaasamaharshi and expressed his gratitude for helping him in performing this great yagna successfully.Vyaasa maharshi took leave of them and left the place. Dharmaraju gave ornaments studded with diamonds and pearls ,elephants and horses to the kings like Kubera.He showered his affection to Babhruvaahana.Uloochi and Chithraangada stayed with Arjuna and Babhruvahana left for his kingdom.Dharmaraju gifted Sindhu desam to the grand son of Dussala.Dussala was very happy with these happenings.Dharmaraju gave back the kingdoms which he won to those kings respectively.Dharmaraju gave so many gifts and prsents to Sree Krishna and prayed him whole heartedly.He gave costly presents to BALARAMA AND sATHYAKI ALSO.eVEN DEITIES WERE HAPPY FOR THE WAY,DHARMARAJU CONDUCTED THE yAAGAM.

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