Wednesday 30 April 2014

Dharmaraju decides to seek Bheeshmas advice

Vyaasa told Dharmaraju that Bheeshma was equal to Bruhaspathi in knowledge.He is respected even by Indra and other deities.He is a straight forward person.You go to him and seek his help. He would help you in coming out of this grief. He would also tell you about many right things that should be observed and implimented.Dharmaraju was ashamed to go to him because he killed by not playing fair in war.Sree Krishna also convinced Dharmaraju that Bheeshma was a great soul and he would already have forgiven him.He would definitely help him if Dharmaraju asked him. Sree Krishna advised him to first go to the city.Then he should go and meet Bheeshma leisurely.Vyaasa also advised him similarly.Dharmaraju saluted them and they blessed him and left for their respective places.Dharmaraju left to Hasthinapura.Bheema handled the chariot. Arjuna held white umbrella for his elder brother.Nakula and Sahadeva fanned him .Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra alighted their chariots and started to the city.Sree Krishna and Sathyaki also went along with Dharmaraju.Civilians welcomed Dharmaraju with sacred flowers,pearls and akshathas.THey praised the brothers profusely.Dharma raju reached kings palace along with Dhoumyudu,Dhrutharashtrudu and other elders.He performed poojas to Grama devathas.He donated profusely to Brahmins.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Droupadis advice to Dharmaraju

Dharmaraju was silent .He did not respond to his brothers advice.Then Droupadi went near him and requested to hear her views also.Dharmaraju gave his consent for her to speak out her mind.O King!Your brothers have undergone many hardships till now. please console them.During the year when they lived underground ,they faced many problems.At that time you gave them hope that after that period they would fight with Duryodhana and win the war. Then they could live happily.But now after winning the war,you are saying that again you would go to the woods and live the life of sages.Do you not think that would hurt your brothers feelings.Kings should never think below their dignity.Kings are supposed to rule country.King is a god in the guise of a man.Those who belittled the king got themselves smashed in the war.Kouravas humiliated and ill treated you.So,they lost their lives. If you touch fire,it would burn you,it does not matter whether you know the implications of it or not.Why do you feel sorry for their death.They were sinners,so you killed them.Now,it is your dutu to rule the nation and look after their welfare.Arjuna and Bheema suggested the same to Dharmaraju. Arjuna told him similar incidents in the life of Janaka,when his wife advised him.A sage named Devasdhaanudualso advised him similarly.Veda vyaasa also tried to make Dharmaraju see reason in their advice.Vyaasa told him the story of Sudyumna.He explained the dialogues of a king,named Sena jiththu.He also told him the dialogues between Asmaka and Janaka.Sree Krishna told him the story of Shodasa king and Parvatha and Naradas dialogue.Narada explained Suvarnashteevi story. Again ,Vyaasa intervened and told him about right and wrong.Still,Dharmaraju was not convinced. Then,Vyaasa told himto go to Bheeshma and learn about duties,responsibilities and right and wrong.Narada laso felt happy for this suggestion of Vyaasa.

Thursday 24 April 2014

saanthi parvamu...Dharmarajus meloncoly

Janamejaya was told the story of mahabharatha by Vaisampayana muni.After completion of last rites to decesed warriors,pandavas stayed at the banks of Ganges for about a month along with Dhrutharashtra and others.At that time,Vyaasa,Narada,Devaludu,Sdhaanuvu,Kanvudu and other sages came to visit them.Pandavas welcomed them with open heart. Narada enquired Dharmaraju if he was happy. Dharma raju replied him in his own style. Narada!with Sree Krishnas courtesy,entire world has become mine.It is under my control. But I have lost so many of my close relations. I have lost Abhimanyu and Droupadis sons.This victory is no more a victory in my eyes.When we came to know that Karna was our elder brother,we were very sorry. We are unable to digest that truth even now.We killed him ,not knowing that he was our own brother. If all six of us were together,we could have been more happy. Dharmaraju turned towards Arjuna and told him. Arjuna!why do we need this kingdom? let us leave this kingdom and lead simple lives in another country.We killed all our relatives.It is as good as committing suicide.I do not want this power. I will handover my kingdom to you and go to the woods. You rule this land.Arjuna could not accept these words. He tried to reason with Dharmaraju.You had entered into war and won it. Now ,you are saying that you would lead a life of sage. Is it reasonable?if you feel ,you have sinned,perform aswamedha yaaga and other pious duties.Bheema also sided with Arjunas way of thinking.We have to do our duty.Then only we can wash away our sins.Nakula also told his brother that according vedas,each one has to the duty entrusted to him. So,Dharmaraju has to rule his kingdom.He advised him to do yagnas and yagas. Earlier,Manuvu and other great kings did like wise and reached heaven.Sahadeva also beseeched his brother to do like wise.

Monday 21 April 2014

performing last rites to the dead warriors

Dhrutharashtra told Dharmaraju to see that last rites are performed to all the warriors ,whether they had relatives or not.Dharmaraju replied him that he would look into the matter of cremating and performing last rites to all the warriors.THEY themselves had to do it. He called Dhoumyudu,Vidurudu, Sanjaya, and Yuyuthsuduand told them to cremate everyone whether had relatives or not,accordingly according to the rules and regulations stipulated.He allocated this work to appropriate candidates remaining there. Dhoumyudu and others took the help of Brahmins to do that and at that time ,chanting of Rugveda,Yajurveda and SAAMAGAANA REVERBERATED THE ENTIRE AREA. Women wept for the loss of their near and dear.Dharmaraju performed last rites kourava warriors after taking bath in Ganges along with Dhrutharashtra.Then Kunthee devi went to Dharma raju andtold every one that Karna was her son and not Radhas son.He was her first born son to God Sun.She told Dharmaraju to perform last rites to Karna also.Pandavas were shocked at the news. They wept for their lost brother. Dharmaraju expressed his grief like this. Mother!because Karna was his friend,Duryodhana dared to fight with Bheema and Arjuna.Because Karna was Duryodhanas right hand,Poundra,Vaideha and other kings became Duryodhanas Saamantha kings.A ll our armies were afraid of Karna only.All the time,we were afraid of Karna only.Why did you deliver Karna first?Death of Karna is more painful to me than the deaths of Abhimanyu,Ghatothkacha,and death of Droupadi sons.If we had known that he was our elder brother,we would not have got into war with Kouravas.With a heavy heart,he performed last rites to his elder brother.Gaandhaaree and Dhrutharashtra also attended the procedures.Dharma raju called for Karnas family members and repsectfully treated them.He gave many donations in his name.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Gaandhaari curses Sree Krishna

Gaandhaari put forth her doubt before Sree Krishna.Sree Krishna!everyone knows that Bheeshma,Drona,Karna,Bhoorisravudu,Aswathdhaama,Krupaachaaryudu,Saindhavudu,Duryodhana,and Kruthavarma are great warriors.No one can correctly assess their caliber.Even deities can not defeat them.But you,along with your brother,Sathyaki,and Pandavas defeated them.In the process,no harm was done to you.It ,surely,is a miracle. Seeing her people without life,her anger increased ten fold.She accused Sree Krishna like this.Krishna!you could not stop the rivalry between Pandavas and Kouravas.You are such a capable man that you can do anything and everything.Then,why did you keep quiet and let kouravas destroy.You will bear the fruit of this act.I am cursing you.You made cousins fight among themselves and die. So,similarly your people will also fight among themselves and slef destroy themselves.Afetr thirty six years,your dynasty will also come to an end.Even you will die,without anyone to weep for your death ,in a most despicable way.Today,we are all weeping for our sons,husbands and brothers. Similarly,your women would also weep for their relatives death. Sree Krishna did not get angry at her words. He reminded her that earlier one sage cursed them similarly. So,that is definitely going to happen.What have you gained by cursing me like this?Pandavas were afraid at this turn of events. But Sreev Krishna admonished her in his own way.Gaandhaari!get up. we have to attend to last rites of the dead warriors.Do you not know the atrocities your son did?You,Bheeshma,Drona,Baahlikud and myself could not set him right.That was the sole reason why this disaster has occured.Why are you talking to me like this,when your mistake is also there?Control your self.Women in kshathriyas families expect their husband and children to be warriors.Why are you repenting now? Gaandhaari was dumbstruck at this reply of Sree Krishna.Then Dhrutharashtra asked Dharmaraju the details of the dead warriors. Then Dharmaraju replied.Seventy six crores and twenty warriors and twenty four thousand three hundred civilians died in this war. But every one would go to heaven,in whatever fashion they died.

Friday 11 April 2014

Gaandhaari weeps for the death of kuru warriors

Gaandhaari called Sree krishna to her side and wept.she started speaking to KRishna.Sree krishna ! Look at my daughters in law.our foes would be happy these women weeping for their departed husbands.though Salya,Drupada,Karna,Drona,Bheeshma,and Abhimanyu are dead,their aura has not left their faces.because they were killed by celestial weapons,their bodies have not decomposed. But,still foxes and crows are eating their bodies.krishna! All the credit for this turn events goes to you .what sin should I  have committed to see them dead,now? I could not see them when they were alive.
Gaandhaari was weeping and roaming the war field. She came across the dead body of Duryodhana.She fainted seeing it.her aides attended to her and she came to her senses.she fell on his body and wept in heart wrenching fashion.More than her sons death,sorrow of her daughter in law is affecting her more.Her daughters in law lost both their husbands and sons at the same time.sree Krishna! Is there an end to their sorrow?we have lost our sons and grand sons.who is going to console us?This is the ultimate in suffering.Krishna! Are you seeing thed ead bodies of my other sons ,who were killed in the hands of Bheema?See their wives going to their husbands and weeping over their bodies.I am unable to control myself.How should the parents of those hundred sons feel?They ,sure,would have done immense sin to see this day.Krishna!  Do you see dussaasana?Was it right for Bheemato drink his blood,breaking open his heart?bheema behaved in a grotesque manner.

Did you see abhimanyu?fighting an unfair battle,where many warriors attacked him mercilessly,he seems tired and sleeping. he does not look like a dead one. His wife,Uththara is so young .how could she tolerate the death of her husband.Did you hear her wailing for her husband.See! How pathetically karna is lying on the ground ,fighting alosing battle against Arjuna.Karna is a great warrior,couragious man,and a helping man. he was like an armour to Duryodhana and never feared for his life. he was bent always in protecting his mentor,duryodhana.Are you seeing his wife and mother of Vrushasena wailing for her husband and son.
though dead,Baahlikudu is appearing as good as alive.dussala is searching for the head of her husband .how should i feel seeing my only daughter searching for the dead body of her husband?salya is lyong on the ground with his face down. his mother and wives are weeping for him.did you see Bhagadaththa? YOu instigated Arjuna to kill him.even Bheeshma,super warrior is also lying on the ground.He might have been partial towards pandavas,but he fought for kurus.
Bheeshma rejected kingdom and took to being as trict bachelor for the sake of his father.a
do you the plight of Dronaachaarya. do you notice the way,Dhrushtadyumna has beheaded him?fate has no mercy towards any one.No one can do anything to set it right.
krupaachaaryas sister,Krupaa is weeping for her husband,Dronas death. dronas disciples ar reciting vedmanthras.She too is reciting Saamavedam along with dronas disciples.who is going yo teach archery now? do you see Sakuni,who had been killed by Sahadeva?sakuni is full of crookednessa nd cruelty. he became duryodhanas right hand telling him that he would do goog. but in actual fact, brought the down fall of kuru vamsa.He is the sole reason for duryodhanas death. he too died a menial death.He is the root cause behind brothers rivalry.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra angry And Sree Krishnas intervention

Dharmaraju went to Dhrutharashtra and saluted him with sorrow over the recent happenings.Dhrutharashtra also wept and hugged Dharmaraju.Each consoled the other. Similarly Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula ,and Sahadeva introduced themselves to Dhrutharashtra.As soon as Dhrutharashtra heard Bheemas voice he lost his temper.Sree Krishna knew what the consequences would be . So,when Dhrutharashtra came to hug Bheema,Sree Krishna kept an iron replica of Bheema before him.Dhrutharashtra hugged the Bheemas idol so harsh that it broke into pieces.Krishna saw to it that the idols body was filled with flesh and blood. When Dhrutharashtra crushed it ten thousand elephants strength it broke up and blood and flesh oozed out. Dhrutharashtra thought that Bheema was killed and was happy within himself. But he expressed sorrow for killing Bheema unintentionally. Sree Krishna talked to Dhrutharashtra in this fashion. Hey King!still you are unable to realise your mistake and still angry over the happenings.Bheeshma,Drona,Vidura and myself told you many times to correct yourself and correct your sons.You know how your sons behaved in wrong ways all the time.They were bad charactered . They never cared for what is right.Hearing these words,Dhrutharahstra also repented for his sons mistakes.He gave word to Krishna that he would look after Pandavas as his sons.Then,Bheema,Arjuna,Nakulaans Sahadeva saluted the king and took his blessings.Yuyuthsudu also saluted Dhrutharashtra and took his blessings. Dhrutharashtra requested them to go to Gaandhaari and console her.They went to her along with Sree Krishna. Gaandhari wanted to curse them instead of blessing them.Vyaasa maharshi understood her turn of mind and came there immediately and requested her not to curse pandavas. He told her once and again that Dharnaraju was a nice and righteous man.She should leave her unhappiness and anger towardsthem and bless them. Then,Gaandhaari convinced himthat she was not jealous of Pandavas. Because of her acute sorrow,she wanted to curse them.They were like her children.Pandavas won the battle observing the rules of war.She addressed Dharmaraju like this.Dhrutharashtra and myslef,both are blind. You could have given us atleast one son instead of killing all the hundred sons. Or,were you afraid that the remaining one would again war with you and take over the kingdom from your hands?She raised her voice and enquired about Dharmaraju. Then Dharamaraju came before her and saluted her.Oh mother!I am the sinner who killed your sons.I am merciless and cruel.Please curse me and let me repent for my sins.I killed relatives, brothers and sons in the war.What do i NEED FOR THIS KINGDOM,THIS LIFE AND THESE PLEASUERS?Gaandhaari could not say anything for this .Dharmaraju fell on her feet and requested her blessings.Gaandhaari controlled her anger and told them to go and see Kunthi.Paandavas went and wept with their mother ,Kunthi.She too wept touching the wounds of her sons,caused during the war.Droupadi also came there and both consoled each other.Kunthi went to Gaandhaari along with her sons and Droupadi.Gaandhaari told Droupadi that both were sailing in the same boat. Droupadi lost her sons like her.Fate is merciless. Vidurud had cautioned me to ward off these events long back.But I could not do anything.we can not skip fate and time. Vyaasa maharshi gave Gaandhaari celestial sight,with which she could see far off thinhs also without removing the cloth tied to her eyes. Gaandhaari went to see the war sight.Vyaasa maharshi directed Paandavas to do last rites to the departed souls.Evry one were depressed and full of agony and sorrow.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Sthree parvamu

Vaisampaayana told king Janamejaya ,the facts that occured after Kurukshethra war.Dhrutharashtra could not come out of his grief.Sanjaya tried to console him in many possible ways.Hey King!why are you still grieving?In your position,to whom should you weep?There is no end for this sorrow.YoU HAVE TO ATTEND to the last rites of dead warriors.NBow,we should go to the war field.Hearing these words .Dhrutharashtras sorrow knew no bounds.He said that he could not do all those things. Since,Pandavas were righteous people,they would attend to all those formalities.Vidura also tried to pacify his brother.He advised him to do last rites to his sons.Then only,he could recoup himself.Dhrutharaashtra fainted with sorrow and these people attended to him and revived him. Vyaasa maharshi also came there. Vyaasa maharshi told Dhrutharashtra like this.Nothing is permanent in this world.Behave in a right way.Leave your sorrow and lead a peaceful life. Pandavas are righteous people. Yoy would definitely be benefited by them. Dhrutharashtra decided to go to the war sight. He told Vidura to tell women in the castle to get ready to follow him.Sanjaya and Vidura collected all the women in the castle.Kunthi and wives of Kuru warriors came.While they were going.Krupaacharya and Krutha varma came there.They consoled Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra aptly.Krutha varma went to his country. Krupaachaarya came to Hasthinaapura.Dharmaraju came to know that Dhrutharashtra was coming along with wives of dead warriors and prepared to meet them.Droupadi also came there along with women of her side,her brother and Yuyuthsudu.Kuru widows scolded Dharmaraju. Pandavas lowered their heads in mourning.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Sree Krishna and Vyaasa maharshi scold Aswathdhaama

Krishna started giving left and right to Aswathdhaama on his heinous act.Earlier One Brahmin came to Uththara,when she was in Upaplaavyam and told her like this. Uththara!because of Aswathdhaama you would give birth to a dead son. But ,he would live again. So,name him as Pareekshiththu.What that Brahmin is never going to be wrong. But your word is going to be false. that child is going to be paandava vamsakartha. You killed a child in its womb.So,you would live with starvation. No one would help you.You would be wounded and bad odour would be coming from your body. No one would come near you. Like this,you are going to live for three thousand years. But at the same time, the child whom I am going to save is going to learn archery from Krupaacharya and would rule this earth for many years.He would have a son ,named Janamejayudu. Janamejayudu is also going to reach heights of fame in your period only. Vyaasa maharshi also scolded Aswathdhaama. Aswathdhaama !you are a Brahmin. Still,you did such a mean actSo,what Sree Krishna about you is going to be true. Aswathdhaama also cursed Vyaasa maharshi that he too would be among men all the time Aswathdhaama lived.Saying so,Aswathdhaama gave his Diamond to Pandavas and went to do penance. Sree Krishna and Pandavas went to Droupadi ,after saluting Vyaasa maharshi. Bheema gave that diamond to Droupadi to appease her. She felt happy seeing it. But she gave that to Yudhishtara saying that he was the right person to adorn it.At that time,except Uththara,no other pandavas wife was conceiving.Aswathdhaamaas asthra went to terminate Uththaras pregnancy. But,Sree Krishna helped the womb to survive,with his super natural powers and saved the baby.Dharmaraju praised Sree Krishna for all his help.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Arjuna recalls his divyaasthram on Naaradas request

Then Narada and Vyaasa maharshi stood between Aswathdhaaama and Arjuna.Many warriors who had known how to use mahaasthras came and went. But till no one used divyaasthras to the detriment of mankind.So,please recall your divyaaasthraas.Arjuna replied them. Swamy!to ward off Aswathdhaamas divyaasthram only I used my divyaasthram.I had no other go,If you promise to protect us,I would recall my divyaasthram now itself.Immediately,he recalled his asthram with utmost ease.Since Arjuna was a righteous man,who followed brahmacharya and penance,he could recall it.It was an impossible task even for deities. Aswathdhaama could not recall his asthram.He felt ashamed and told them like this.I was afraid of Bheema.So,I released this powerful weapon.I am incapable of recalling it.So,it would definitely terminate pandavas.I am a sinner.No one can save me. Vyaasa maharshi then addressed Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama!your father had given this powerful weapon to Arjuna with love and affection.Arjuna did not use it to kill you.He used only to protect himself.It is impossible to terminate a great soul like Arjuna.Your asthram would be put to an end only by Arjunas arrow.You started penance. So,leave happy. Arjuna followed the right path.He did not crave for victory. So,he should return home happily. So,give the siromani you have over your head to Arjuna.Then,every one would feel happy that Arjuna had put an end to you. Aswathdhaama was full of sorrow. Hey sage! I am giving my siromani on your saying so. But my weapon would kill and harm the wombs of pandavas and then settle down happily.Vyas maharshi okayed it and warned him not ask for any more.Sree Krishna intervened and told Aswathdhaama. Aswathdhaama!you have become a sinner by killing all the grand sons od Panduraju.But I will protect one embryo amongst pandavas great grand sons.That child is going to be very great and applauded by one and all.So,release one embryo. Aswathdhaama lost his temper.Krishna!you are partial towards Pandavas.I will mot permit it. You are trying to protect the embryo of Uththra and Abhimanyu.But I will destroy that embryo also with my weapon.Saying so,he released his asthram to terminate all tha pandava embryos.

Friday 4 April 2014

Sree Krishna and others back Bheema infight with Aswathdhaama

Bheema enetered Kurukshethra and enquired people there about Aswathdhaamaas where abouts.People said that Aswathdhaama,Kruthavarma and Krupaachaarya went to Hasthinaapura and returned back. Aswathdhaama left Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma and went towards Vyaasa maharshis abod.Bheema went in that direction. Sree Krishna told Dharmaraju that Bheema went to fight Aswathdhaama alone. It is not safe for him. so,we should all go and back him up. Earlier Agasthya maharshi had given powerful asthram named Brahmasiram to Aswathdhaamaas father. Aswathdhaama came to acquire it through his father. Aswathdhaama is head strong that he can do anything with that Brahmasiram.If HE attackes Bheema with Brahmasiram,Bheema would be in trouble. So,they had to go fast and stop Aswathdhaama from using that against Bheema.Sree Krishna became charioteer and carried Dharmaraju and Arjuna to the battle field.They found out Bheema ,in search of Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama was doing penance there. Bheema went to him and called that he can not hide like a sagebut should participate in duel. Aswathdhaama saw Bheema,Sree Krishna ,Dharmaraju and Arjuna nearing him.He smelled danger. He had to act fast. so,he took darbha and made it powerful by chanting Brahmasironaamakaasthram and uttering the words apaandava bhava,released it.That asthram was coming towards Bheema discharging fire and with much force. On Sree Krishnas advice, Arjuna also released Brahmasironaamakaasthram uttering the words that Aswathdhaamas,Arjuna and all his brothers should survive. Both the asthras collided resulting in much destruction.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Pandavas in deep sorrow

Early morning,Dharmaraju was talking with Sree Krishna and Saathyaki along with his brothers.Charioteer of Dhrushtadyumna came there and saluted them . He told them that Aswathdhaama had come into their tents the previous night and killed every one present there.Dharmaraju fainted hearing those words.Dharmarajus sorrow could not be controlled. In war ,they lost many of their relatives. Now,renmaining kith and kin were lost. Victory brought them nothing.In fact,they lost everyone.He could not undersatnd how Droupadi was going to handle the tragedy. At that time,Droupadi was residing in Viraata nagaram. Dharmaraju sent his people to bring her back.He went into the tents and saw there what had happened the previous night. Pandavas fainted seeing that scene.Saaathyaki made them come to their senses.Droupadi came weeping and fainted at the action scene.She wept . With the help of gods and humans we could win the war. But we lost our sons.Aswathdhaama is the root cause of this calamity. He killed my sons ,who were sleeping in their tents.Unless you kill Aswathdhaama ,I can not stay calm.If you do not send Bheema to kill Aswathdhaama,I would die now itself. Dharmaraju tried to console but to no effect. Droupadi touched Bheema and told him to go,find and kill Aswathdhaama to appease her. Bheema felt ,he had been given consent by his elder brother. Nakula became his charioteer and they left the place to go and kill Aswathdhaama.