Monday 31 March 2014

Aswathdhaama kills pandava warriors mercilessly

Aswathdhaama knew where each one stayed in pandavas tents.He took weapons and entered their places. Every one was sleeping deep because they thought that war was over.First ,he entered the tent of Dhrushtadyumna and attacked him. He clubbed him,thrashed him and with the string of his bow ,suffocated Dhrushtadyumna till he died.Dhrushtadyuma requested him to kill with any weapon,so that he could go to heaven after death like a warrior. But he denied that benefit also to him.Remaining others woke and made hue and cry that some demon had killed Dhrushtadyumna. They surrounded Aswathdhaama ,but he killed all of them.Those ,who escaped his wrath and came out of the tents were killed by Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma cruelly.Then ,he went to royal area where Sikhandi and sons of Droupadi surrounded him.He killed all of them.He realised that Sree Krishna ,Saathyaki and Pandavas were not there in their tents.He killed every one present there,horses and elephants too.He was happy killed all of them and boasted about that to Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma. By then,they realised their act and were repenting it. Then,all three of them reached Duryodhana.Aswathdhaama explained his grotesque act to Duryodhana,who felt happy for it.He bade adieu to Krupaachaarya ,Krutha varma and Aswathdhaama and died.They left that place in sorrow. Divine sight he had during the war period,given by Vyaasa to Sanjaya,left him with the death of Duryodhana.This,Sanjaya told to Dhrutharashtra.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Soupthika parvamu--Aswathdhaama saddened

Vaisampaayana maharshi was explaining Mahaabhaaratha story to king Janamejaya. Aswathdhaama,Krutha varma and Krupaacharya left Duryodhana to terminate Pandava dynasty.People in pandava tents were celebrating their victory and were happy. So,they silently backed off and waited till sun set.Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma were exhausted. So,they went to sleep.But Aswathdhaama could not sleep.Aswathdhaam was awake and was observing the tree under which they were taking rest. Many crows were settled on that tree and were taking rest and were asleep.An owl came and saw the sleeping crows. It killed all of them mercilessly.Aswathdhaama felt that he tooshould kill Pandavas while they were sleeping and take revenge. He woke Krupaachaarya and Kruthavarma and told them of his crooked intentions. They negated his ideas.But Aswathdhaama was adamant.He tried to make them see his line of thinking.What you people are saying is right. You are in a position to advice me correctly. But do you not see pandavas wrongs/They killed Bheeshma,Drona,Karna and Bhoorisrava,by wrong means.They instigated Duryodhana ,who was tired and taking rest in a pond to come out and fight with them and harmed him without any scruple.I should kill Dhrushtadyumna who killed my father ruthlessly.I would take revenge against Pandavas in the wrong route only. I do not care if I have to pay for my wrong acts.No one can stop me from killing all of them.He alighted the chariot. Krutha varma and Krupaachaaryudu also followed him. Aswathdhaama went to Pandavas site. Demon was protecting their unit. It absolved all of Aswathdhaamas arms. Aswathdhaama then prayed Siva and took powerful sword from him.Siva entered into ASWATHDHAAMA silently and gave all his weapons to him . Aswathdhaama told Krupaachaarya and Kruthavarma to stand at the entrance of Pandavas tents and went inside alone.

Friday 28 March 2014

Aswathdhaama made army chief

Sanjaya went to Duryodhana. Duryodhana was immersed in self pity. DURYODHANA addressed Sanjaya. Sanjaya!no one can fight with fate and win. you go and tell everyone that Bheema won over me by wrong ways.He did not indulge in fair fight.You tell our people this incident also. When Duryodhana fell down by unfair duel of Bheema,Bheema came and hit my head with his feet. Is it not wrong to do such mean act when one is lying down and helpless?Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari always oppose me saying that this war is not legal and fair. You tell them about this act of Bheema.I always gave protection to my relatives,friends and my well wishers. This type of death would allow to go to heaven.Let Pandavas enjoy the kingdom obtained by wrong means. You specifically about this unfair fight to Aswathdhaama,Krupaachaarya,and Krutha varma.Warn them not to believe Pandavas. Some local villagers explained Duryodhanas plight to Aswathdhaama and others.They all came running to see Duryodhana.They all wept at his plight.Duryodhana again explained to them what has happened earlier and how he was felled down. Aswathdhaama became very angry.He told Duryodhana.Duryodhana!I did not feel so much even when my father died as I am feeling for your condition.I am taking oath now.While Sree Krishna is seeing,I will kill entire pandava clan.You bless me and send me to accomplish the deed.On Duryodhanas suggestion,Krupaacharya made Asathdhaama ,the new army chief ,officially.Aswathdhaama hugged Dyryodhana and left for Pandavas tents along with Krupaachaarya and Kruthavarma. Sanjaya told Dhrutharashtra all these happenings. Vyaasas disciple,Vaisampaayana maharshi told this story to king Janamejaya .

Thursday 27 March 2014

Sree Krishna tries to console Dhrutharashtra

Sree Krishna started for Hasthinaapura on Dharmarajus request.He went to Dhrutharashtra,after letting him know of his presence.At that time,Dhrutharashtra was with Gandhari. Vyaasa maharshi was also there to console the couple.Krishna saluted Vyaasa and out of respect to the Rishi,sat on the ground.Krishna held Dhrutharashtras hands and told that kouravs were put to end unnecessarily. To ward off this calamity only,Pandavas had sent Krishna earlier for truce.You should realise that they were clear of any bad intentions.No one can change fate. You have no one now. Now,it is the responsibility of Pandavas to look after you.So,you should think good of them.Dharmaraju is very sorry for all this out come. You must realise it. Krishna turned towards Gandhaari and praised her. She had been firm in pointing out Duryodhanas follies all along.She was a great kshathriya woman,one sees rarely.If Duryodhana had respected your words and given some land to Pandavas,this tragedy wpuld not have occured.Do not blame pandavas for this out come. you can make all the worlds into ashes if you are angry.You have so much power. So,I am requesting you not to be angry regarding pandavas. Gaandhaari replied Krishna. Every thing you say is correct.Now,I am with clear mind and relaxed.Krishna!see this old man!this king is blind.He is an old man.He is in a pitiable state.You have to protect him and take care of him.Saying these words ,she wept covering her face with her pallu.Krishna pacified both of them. He took leave from saying that Aswathdhaama was very angry with Pandavas and he might harm them.So,he had to leave early.Vyaasa also told them to do what Sree Krishna told them and he too took leave of them. Sree Krishna went and talked to Pandavas .Sanjaya is saying to Dhrutharaashtra that after Pandavas left Duryodhana after defeating him,Sanjaya went to meet Duryodhana.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Duryodhana blames Sree Krishna for his unfairness

Sree Krishna addressed everyone present there to leave that place.There was nothing to be said regarding mean Duryodhana.Hearing those words.DURYODHANA lifted his upper part of the body with great difficulty. He started abusing Krishna for his unfair attitude.Krishna !you are the son of a slave of Kamsa,Nandas son.Because of your cheap birth,you are unable to perceive your crookedness.You are without neither shame nor kindness.Can anyone win over myself,Bheeshma,Drona and Karna in a fair fight?You do not have any character.You are crooked. To these allegations of Duryodhana .Sree Krishna replied in his own way. Duryodhana!By playing wrong,you have becoming the root cause of disaster of kuru vamsa.Do you not know that Bheema had pledged to break your thighs? Dont you know that such person would resort to the act with his mace but not with his fists?Why do you engage in use less talk? keep quiet! Duryodhana pacified himself .I had read all the Vedas.I did yanjnas.I acted in a way that every one praised me.I became an emperor,king of kings.I received their services.I won over my enemieis.I am going to heaven along with my relations.Who cares,what you people think of me?I KNOW YOU feel sorry for your acts and repent your entire lives.At that time,flowers rained on him. Pandavas really felt ashamed for their acts.Sree Krishna encouraged them and invigorated them. Every one blew their conches.Sree Krishna,Saathyaki and Pandavas went to kourava tents.Dhrushtadyumna and others went to their respective tents.When every one was getting down of their chariots,Sree Krishna advised Arjuna to keep Gaandeevam,akshaya thooneeram away from the chariot and to get down from the chariot first.flag with kapi on it got itself removed along with bhootha ganas.As soon as Sree Krishna got down , chariot got burned to ashes. Arjuna was aghast at this development.He questioned Sree Krishna why the chariot got burned.Sree Krishna then replied that by the arrows of Drona and Karna,chariot should have burnt long ago.Krishna protected it from burning till this moment.Since the war was over, he let it burn to ashes.Pandavs were awestruck with this knowledge. Sree Krishna turned towards Dharmaraju and told him. Yudhishtara!you gave me madhuparkam and requested me to protect Arjuna in this war.I accepted your request.That is why I did like this.Dharmaraju was full of gratefulness towards Sree krishna for every thing he did.Because of your protective guesture only,all good has come to us.For this Sree Krishna replied . Yudhishtara!in both of KOurava and Pandava armies,no one can equal Arjuna in his caliber.Arjuna is equal to me in his efficiency.Arjuna has the capacity to win over the entire universe in half a minute. What harm can kourava army do to him? Dharmaraju wanted to sleep in a pious place that night. So,he called Sree Krishna,pandavas and Saathyaki and told them to come out of their tents to sleep outside.They all went to the banks of the river,Oghavathi and slept that night there.Dharmaraju turned towards Sree Krishna and requested him to go to Hasthinapura.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Duryodhana felled down by Bheema

Bheema and Duryodhanas fight was fierce.They were injuring each other. Duryodhana rose up to squash Bheema. But with lightning speed,Bheema broke down his thighs with his mace. Duryodhana fell down like a mountain with heavy crash. Bheema went near him and told him tp repent for his deed of dragging Droupadi into the full assembly and removing her clothes.He reminded Duryodhana that he called them animnals earlier. But ,in fact ,he was an animal.You played gamble with cunningness and defeated them by all the wrong means.It was not fair. One had to win his enemy by fighting in a fair manner.Bheema thrashed Duryodhanas head with his legs. Dharmaraju chided his brother for his unruly behaviour.Duryodhana played in this duel.He should not have humiliated him in that manner. People would never forgive Bheema .Bheema should not boast his victory over Duryodhana.Dharmaraju went to Duryodhana and wept for all the wrong things that occured between the. Both sides lost so many people.Duryodhanas crooke dmentality,lust were the sole reasons for his downfall.Balarama was angry with Bheema for having broken Duryodhanas thighs by not fighting in fair manner.In fight with mace, opponents should not attack the body below navel position.Balarama came on his chariot to punish Bheema,but Bheema did not waver.Sree krishna intervened and reminded Balarama that due to the curse of rishi,Maithreya,Duryodhanasd thighs were to be broken down by Bheema.So,it was not wrong. Balarama was still angry at the way his disciple was lying on the ground. Sree Krishna pacified him like this. Duryodhana lounged at Bheema to tackle him. So to protect himself and to materialise his oath to break down Duryodhanas thighs ,Bheema had to attack his thighs. And Duryodhana should have rememberd Bheemas oath to break his legs and should have been alert.So,it is not wrong to fell him like this.Krishna told Balarama to remember the way Abhimanyu was killed all of Kouravas at a time.But Balarama was still not happy. He blessed his disciple to reach heaven ,because he fought in the right spirit and uttered derogatory statements against Bheema and left that place.Pandavas were unhappy with these developments. Sree Krishna looked at Dharmaraju,who was sad.Sree Krishna sided with Bheema and praised him. Arjuna was also downcast with Bheemas way of winning.But Bheema told his brother that the enemy was killed.So,he was the king.Pandavas were happy at the plight of Duryodhana and went to their homes .

Thursday 20 March 2014

Bheema and Duryodhana fight

Pandavas smiled at each other after seeing Duryodhana. Duryodhana thought they would attack him all put together.But Dharmaraju told him like this.You select any one amongst us. and in whatever manner you like. If you win,you can rule the kingdom again.If you die,you will achieve veeragathi.But we would not leave you alive.He showed him many types of armour to select.Duryodhana selected one of them. He took his mace and told that any one can come and beat him in fight with mace. Krishna was aghast with this statement of Dharmaraju. He went to him and chided him. Why did you speak like this? you pretty well know that Duryodhana is more efficient in gadaayuddhama than Bheema. winninig is based on shrewdness rather than strength of the opponent. But Bheema confided that he would definitely defeat Duryodhana. Krishna said that Duryodhana was given the choice to select a person of his choice. If he chooses a person other than Bheema ,he was sure to win.But Krishna advised Bheema to be alert and cautious while fightin with Duryodhana. Fight between Bheema and Duryodhana started.Balaraama came there. Sree Krishna was happy to see his brother.Balarama was Duryodhanas teacher. So,he too felt happy to see his guru.Duryodhana suggested that they fight at near by SAmantha panchakam,where brahma yajnam had been performed earlier. It was an auspicious place. Every one agreed and went there.Both of them fought ferociously. It was an equal fight between the two of them. Arjuna asked Krishna to tell him who was the better of two.Krishna said Duryodhana had the finesse and sharpness.He had better practice than Bheema.Bheema had better strength,but lacked efficiency.Sree Krishna reminded that Bheema had taken oath earlier to break Duryodhanas thighs ,so he had to accomplish it now even if it was against the rule. So,Arjuna patted at his thighs while Bheema was seeing him. Bheema understood that he had Krishnas consent to break Duryodhans thighs.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Duryodhana comes out of his hiding place

Dharmaraju reinstated that fighting is the most appropriate act for Duryodhana ,then.Duryodhana replied him from under water..OH KING!iT IS natural for any human being to be afraid of death.I do not have any weapons to fight you.I do not have my people to aid me.I am tired. So,I want to take rest.Tomorrow,I will come and fight.You too go home and take rest for this night. Dharmaraju replied him aptly. We have taken rest.We have searched and found you here. Till now,you too have taken rest. That is enough for both of us.So,you can come out and fight with us.Duryodhana replied in desolate voice. People want kingdom to make their brothers,children and wives happy. I lost all of them.You have all your family friends,relatives and friends. You take the kingdom. I do not want it.I do not want to fight with you. Dharmaraju made fun of these remarks. Duryodhana!Kings do not take donations.Who are you to give us kingdom. In what capacity are you saying these words?Have you accepted defeat ?or are you feeling that you have won the war and then gifting it to us?Or are you offering part of the kingdom? Come on! GET UP!YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTION THAN TO FIGHT WITH US!Why do you and suffer humility?Others also humiliated Duryodhana similarly.Duryodhana also thought of coming out of the pond.he relied Dharmaraju.You have every one,relatives and friends.But I am all alone.I am tired very much.How can fight with all of you.Is it fair on your part to kill me.But I would kill all of you. Dharmaraju praised himfor his knowledge of the rules and regulations of the war.He told him that they would not kill him as he feared.If could win over single person from among them,they would give back the kingdom to him. Then Duryodhana came out of the pond along with mace.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Dharmaraju humiliates Duryodhana

At that time,some Bheemas helpers came near the pond to quench their thirst.Earlier.Dharmaraju told them to inform him,if at all they came to know of Duryodhanas hiding place.They saw Krupaacharya ,Duryodhana and others near the pond.they heard their discussion also. Promptly they related the incident to Bheema.Bheema took them to Dharmaraju.Dharmaraju gave them many gifts and sent them.He relayed the information to Sree Krishna and his family members. they went to the hiding place of Duryodhana. Krupaachjarya observed Pandavas reaching that place and informed Duryodhana. Duryodhana told them to go away from that place and come again that night.He told them that he had knowledge of jalasthambhana and with it he would take rest in the pond.Krupaacharya and others felt sorry for the pitiable plight of Duryodhana and went away from there. But Sanjaya hid among bushes near by. Pandavas were happy and were talking enthusiastically.They came there along with their sons.Dharmaraju found the pond where Duryodhana hid himself. Sree Krishna told him that Dharmaraju had to concieve a plan to make Duryodhana come out of that pond. Because no one could go inside the pond and find him.It was very difficult except for those who knew Jalasthambhana art. Dharmaraju,then started humiliating Duryodhana. Hey Suyodhana!is it fair on your part to hide in water?I have neither seen nor heard such desperation anywhere earlier.So many kings came to fight for you and lost their lives.But you are hiding in water and saving your life.But can you really escape death?You lost all your sons and all your brothers. How can you think of saving yourself from death?Dont you know that self prstige is more than life?Weknow where you are hiding.You can not escape from here.You come out and fight with us.At least you will retain your pride.