Friday 17 January 2014

Karnas death in the hands of Arjuna

Arjuna broke the string of Karnas bow.He broke his body shield.Karnas body was bleeding profusely.Both sides stopped fighting and was observing Karna-Arjunas war.At that time,Duryodhana directed his armies to attack Arjuna.It was against rules of war.As they were of lower cadre,they could not say no and came to fight Arjuna.Kings on Kourava side did not participate inthis unlawful attack.Pandava armies also did not participate.Arjuna fought single handedly with all of them.Kourava armies could not withstand Arjunas onslaught.Both Arjuna and Karna were tired but still they were fighting. Kaarna took out Snake faced arrow,which was very powerful,to release against Arjuna. but his positioning was not correct.Salya observed it and mentioned it learingly and told him to learn targetting in a right fashion. To this,Karna was offended. He did not correct his positioning of the arrow.Actually,he wanted to direct it towards Arjunas neck but it was in the direction of Arjunas tip of the eye.While the arrow was coming towards them,Krishna made the chariot sink few centimeters so that the arrow can not reach its target.The arrow was very powerful,to its speed,Arjunas crown fell on the ground. Even then the arrow became a serpent and it was coming towards Arjuna,very fast.Sree Krishna then told Arjuna to kill that serpent.Arjuna killed it with six spears. Arjuna broke Karnas armatureand removed his earrings.They targeted each other with many arrows.Karnas chariot sunk into the ground on one side. Even then,he was fighting.Karna broke Arjunas bow string again.Arjuna refit it fast and attacked his opponent .Karnas chariot sunk further and it was difficult to fight from that angle and position.Karna requested Arjuna not to attck him while he was set righting his chariot.But Sree Krishna mocked him.What justice? what righteousness?did they come out just now?could you not think of them when so many of you attacked Abhimanyu when he was all alone and in pathetic condition?You are behind all those atrocities of Duryodhana.and,Now you are talking of justice. It is improperly placed now. Then even from the ground,Karna gave stiff fight to Arjuna and his arrows.Arjuna broke Karnas flag ,mast/Kouravas lost their hope regarding Karna.Karna somehow,set right his chariot and started to attack Arjuna,but immediately his chariot again sunk into the ground.This situation occured many times.Then,Arjuna took out a powerful asthra and prayed God that if lived piously,his arrow should kill Karna and released it.Karna died as soon as it hit him.Paandavas were very happy when Karna died.Bheema,Sree krishna and Arjuna blew their conches as a sign of victory. Kourava armies returned to their camps in a desolate condition. it resembled Pandavas leaving the kingdom to the forests in a depressed mood earlier.Pandava warriors went fast and told Dharmaraju of Karnas death.Dharmaraju blessed them for telling him the good news.Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula ,and Sahadeva reached Dharmaraju and saluted him.Dharmaraju took permission of Sree Krishna togo tothe war field and see the scene there.He praised Arjunas valor.

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