Sunday 5 January 2014

Dharmaraju and Arjuna compromise on Krishnas advise

Sree Krishna told him the way out. He told Arjuna to tell Dharmaraju ,on his,what he is made of.It is as good as killing him physically.Then ,it would suffice and proves that you stood on your word and did not deviate.You will not behold the sin of having killed elders.Then,take your brothers permission to kill Karna. Taking the cue, Arjuna started commenting Dharmaraju in a whiplash manner.A great warrior like Bheema,alone is fit to comment me.You have neither the worth nor standing to comment on my valor.You ran away from war field.You lost your right to point out finger at me.Your interest in playing dice brought this calamity to us. We had to reap enmity with kouravas.Just because of your lust towards that game,we were humiliated beyond control.We lost our kingdom.We had to serve people who were below us in dignity and stature.We are all suffering because of your wrong step. Even then you do not repent your acts.You are not ashamed.One should be patient if they can not go to war and succeed.If you start talking again,you have to face music from us.What all you did in the past are enough. Now,it would be better if you keep quiet.Persons who are continuously suffering can not keep their calm for such a long time. Like this Arjuna abused Dharmaraju. Again he took out his sword.Sree Krishna wondered why he is taking out his sword again and enquired.Then Arjuna replied in a humiliating manner that he abused Dharmaraju ,so he is not to fit to live on this earth.So,he would behead himself.For this also,Sree Krishna suggested a way out.Arjuna !praise yourself.Elders say that self praise is equal to committing suicide.Arjuna too accepted to do according to sREE kRISHNAs advice. Arjuna held bow and arrows in his hands . He turned towards Dharma raju and started boasting about himself. DharmaRAJA!When I hold my bow and arrows,there is no one equal to me except Siva.I went and won all the kings ,in all the directions. I brought so much treasure and wealth. You used those riches only to conduct Raajasooya yaagam.You dostributed that money as gifts and donations to Brahmins and sages.I secured still more by controlling and killing Samsapthaka ganas.If you count the number of soldiers and warriors ,who died by my arrows,then you would understand my greatness and valor. After speaking like this,Arjuna bent his head down,and saluted Dharma raju.He again spoke.Dharmaraja!please be kind enough to me. I blabbered all the silly and unwanted things about myself.Do not retain them either in your ears or in your mind.Do not think otherwise.aCTUAL TRUTH IS THAT i AM UNDER YOUR COMMAND.yOU SEND ME TO BHEEMA.I would drive away entire koura armies.I would definitely kill Karna and destroy Duryodhanas armies.

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