Friday 10 January 2014

Arjuna creates terror among Kourava warriors

Bheema was fighting fiercely but he more concerned about his elder brothers safety and well being.He was tense that Arjuna had not yet returned.Bhhemas charioteer was encouraging him all would be well and he need not fear.After observing Arjuna in the battle field,Bheema relaxed.He promised his charioteer a present for encouraging him.Arjuna killed many elephants in Kourava army and told Krishna to take him to Bheema.After seeing Arjuna ,Bheema started to involve in war with much more enthusiasm. Sikhandi and Dhrushtadyumna attacked Karna.Karna also gave them a stiff fight and controlled them effectively.Arjuna then,turned towards Karna to fight with him.Salya also encouraged Karna to fight with Arjuna and win.Along with Karna,Krupaachaarya and Sakuni also came to fight with Arjuna.Arjuna immersed them with his arrows.Bheema went to his aide.But Arjuna told him that their brother was safe and told him to take rest for some time.At that time,ten of Duryodhanas brothers attacked Arjuna and Arjuna fought with them brilliantly and beheaded all of them.He killed another ninety of Kourava warriors with utmost ease.He killed thirteen hundred elephants. Bheema also attacked with his mace.In this fashion,both Arjuna and Bheema destroyed kourava army without any mercy. Dhrushtadyuman and others also came to their help.

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