Friday 17 January 2014

Karnas death in the hands of Arjuna

Arjuna broke the string of Karnas bow.He broke his body shield.Karnas body was bleeding profusely.Both sides stopped fighting and was observing Karna-Arjunas war.At that time,Duryodhana directed his armies to attack Arjuna.It was against rules of war.As they were of lower cadre,they could not say no and came to fight Arjuna.Kings on Kourava side did not participate inthis unlawful attack.Pandava armies also did not participate.Arjuna fought single handedly with all of them.Kourava armies could not withstand Arjunas onslaught.Both Arjuna and Karna were tired but still they were fighting. Kaarna took out Snake faced arrow,which was very powerful,to release against Arjuna. but his positioning was not correct.Salya observed it and mentioned it learingly and told him to learn targetting in a right fashion. To this,Karna was offended. He did not correct his positioning of the arrow.Actually,he wanted to direct it towards Arjunas neck but it was in the direction of Arjunas tip of the eye.While the arrow was coming towards them,Krishna made the chariot sink few centimeters so that the arrow can not reach its target.The arrow was very powerful,to its speed,Arjunas crown fell on the ground. Even then the arrow became a serpent and it was coming towards Arjuna,very fast.Sree Krishna then told Arjuna to kill that serpent.Arjuna killed it with six spears. Arjuna broke Karnas armatureand removed his earrings.They targeted each other with many arrows.Karnas chariot sunk into the ground on one side. Even then,he was fighting.Karna broke Arjunas bow string again.Arjuna refit it fast and attacked his opponent .Karnas chariot sunk further and it was difficult to fight from that angle and position.Karna requested Arjuna not to attck him while he was set righting his chariot.But Sree Krishna mocked him.What justice? what righteousness?did they come out just now?could you not think of them when so many of you attacked Abhimanyu when he was all alone and in pathetic condition?You are behind all those atrocities of Duryodhana.and,Now you are talking of justice. It is improperly placed now. Then even from the ground,Karna gave stiff fight to Arjuna and his arrows.Arjuna broke Karnas flag ,mast/Kouravas lost their hope regarding Karna.Karna somehow,set right his chariot and started to attack Arjuna,but immediately his chariot again sunk into the ground.This situation occured many times.Then,Arjuna took out a powerful asthra and prayed God that if lived piously,his arrow should kill Karna and released it.Karna died as soon as it hit him.Paandavas were very happy when Karna died.Bheema,Sree krishna and Arjuna blew their conches as a sign of victory. Kourava armies returned to their camps in a desolate condition. it resembled Pandavas leaving the kingdom to the forests in a depressed mood earlier.Pandava warriors went fast and told Dharmaraju of Karnas death.Dharmaraju blessed them for telling him the good news.Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula ,and Sahadeva reached Dharmaraju and saluted him.Dharmaraju took permission of Sree Krishna togo tothe war field and see the scene there.He praised Arjunas valor.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Arjuna kills Vrushasena

Salya was afraid of the latest developments and did not have the courage to encourage Karna to war with Pandava warriors.Arjuna attacke dVrushasena,Karnas son.Kouravas praised Vrushasenas courage for giving stiff competition to Arjuna.But they were afraid ,what would happen to him in the hands of Arjuna.Vrusha sena released ten arrows towards Arjuna andnine arrows towards Sree Krishna.Arjuna got angered by this and he broke Vrushasenas bow. He cut off his shoulders.With sharp edged bhallam,he cut off Vrushasenas head. Hearing his sons cruel death in the hands of Arjuna ,Karna roared with anger. He went towards Arjuna to fight him and take revenge for his sons death.Bothe of them stood face to face in the middle of the war field.Bith armies and warriors on both sides stopped their individual fights and stood silent to observe Karna and Arjunas fight. Karna asked Salya what he would do,if Arjuna won over him. To this question,Salya replied that he would go against Krishna and Arjuna and fight with them.Arjuna also asked Krishna,similar question.To that Krishna replied that there was no question of Karna winning over Arjuna.Arjuna is sure to win and defeat Karna.He would not tolerate that option.He would crush Karna like a mosquito ,if ever he won.He would make Dharmaraju,the king. Karna released an arrow which cut the bow string of Arjuna. But Arjuna remade it with in no time and attacked Karna with his Gaandeevam. It looked as if the bow string did not loosen.Karna also thought the same thing.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Bheema kills Dussaasana and drinks his blood

Karna attacked pandava armies.Dussaasana attacked Bheema.Their fight was ferocious.Bheema broke the flag mast of Dussasana.He broke his bow.At last,he killed Duyodhanas charioteer.Bheema remembered all the hardships they went through ,during thirteen years of vanavaasa and one year of agnaathavaasa.He beat hi with his gada and Dussasana fell to the ground ,bleeding all over.Bheema pressed his leg on his neck and looked around.Kourava armies were afraid of him and went afar and saw the happenings in mute horror.Bheema took hold of his body and turning round and round,he threw it on the ground viciously.He kicked at Duryodhanas face with his legs.He took out his sword and cut across his face.He opened his chest and drank blood from his heart.He remembered the way Dussasana humilated them by calling them animals and again hit at him. Bheema shouted aloud that one more misson was due to be completed and That was killing Duryodhana.Every one in kourava army was afraid to see this scene.They became timid and did not have guts to continue war.It was silent all over.Even Duryodhana and Krupaachaarya stood static. Even they could not do anything. Then,Duryodhanas brothers,Kavachi,Nishangi,Paasi,Dandadhaarudu,Alolupudu,Sahudu,Shandudu,Vaathavegudu and Surasudu attacked Bheema.Arjuna was eagerly observing the fight.Bheema killed all of them with his arrows.Kourava armies were still more afraid to participate in war.

Friday 10 January 2014

Arjuna creates terror among Kourava warriors

Bheema was fighting fiercely but he more concerned about his elder brothers safety and well being.He was tense that Arjuna had not yet returned.Bhhemas charioteer was encouraging him all would be well and he need not fear.After observing Arjuna in the battle field,Bheema relaxed.He promised his charioteer a present for encouraging him.Arjuna killed many elephants in Kourava army and told Krishna to take him to Bheema.After seeing Arjuna ,Bheema started to involve in war with much more enthusiasm. Sikhandi and Dhrushtadyumna attacked Karna.Karna also gave them a stiff fight and controlled them effectively.Arjuna then,turned towards Karna to fight with him.Salya also encouraged Karna to fight with Arjuna and win.Along with Karna,Krupaachaarya and Sakuni also came to fight with Arjuna.Arjuna immersed them with his arrows.Bheema went to his aide.But Arjuna told him that their brother was safe and told him to take rest for some time.At that time,ten of Duryodhanas brothers attacked Arjuna and Arjuna fought with them brilliantly and beheaded all of them.He killed another ninety of Kourava warriors with utmost ease.He killed thirteen hundred elephants. Bheema also attacked with his mace.In this fashion,both Arjuna and Bheema destroyed kourava army without any mercy. Dhrushtadyuman and others also came to their help.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Krishna andArjuna take oath To kill Karna on the same day

Dharmaraju really felt very much for Arjunas words.He talked in retrospective way.Arjuna!what you said is hundred percent true.You suffered a lot because of my mistakes.I behaved wrongly to this great dynasty and my family.It is appropriate to behead me.If you leave me,I will go the woods and do penance. Make Bheema the king.Saying this,He started preparing to go to the woods.Krishna held Dharmarajus feet with reverence and pacified him.Dharmaraja!you know about your brother.He stands on his words.H e took oath to kill that person who would tell him to give away his Gandeevam to others. And you asked him just that in your temper.I did not want you to die in your brothers hands. I did not want Arjuna to be called a person who does not stand on his words. So,I only told him to scold you in this manner.Blaming elders is as good as killing them.So,We plead you.Please excuse us for for wrongs in this matter.Today itself,we would kill Karna.You bless us and send to the war field. Dharmaraju felt very much for coming to a hasty decision as soon as he them returning to the camp.He was sorry he talked rashly with them.We are fools. You protected us from doing wrong things and coming to trouble.He praised Krishna.Sree Krishna the turned towards Arjuna who was sitting with his head bowed down.Arjuna!come out of this gloomy mind.take your brothers blessings and kill Karna. Your brother would feel happy. Arjuna fell on his brothers feet and wept.Dharmaraju lifted him and hugged with love and affection.Krishna pacified both the brothers.Dharmaraju said in no uncertain terms to Arjuna that he would not live if Arjuna does not kill him.Arjuna gave word to his brother along with Krishna that he would kill Karna,the same day.Krishna also bolstered his spirits that he was definitely going to kill Karna ,that day.Arjuna readied his chariot. Krishna and Arjuna gave food and bath to their horses and made them ready for the hectic day ahead. Sree Krishna told Dharmaraju to bless his brother . Dharmaraju again hugged Arjuna and blessed him with victory.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Dharmaraju and Arjuna compromise on Krishnas advise

Sree Krishna told him the way out. He told Arjuna to tell Dharmaraju ,on his,what he is made of.It is as good as killing him physically.Then ,it would suffice and proves that you stood on your word and did not deviate.You will not behold the sin of having killed elders.Then,take your brothers permission to kill Karna. Taking the cue, Arjuna started commenting Dharmaraju in a whiplash manner.A great warrior like Bheema,alone is fit to comment me.You have neither the worth nor standing to comment on my valor.You ran away from war field.You lost your right to point out finger at me.Your interest in playing dice brought this calamity to us. We had to reap enmity with kouravas.Just because of your lust towards that game,we were humiliated beyond control.We lost our kingdom.We had to serve people who were below us in dignity and stature.We are all suffering because of your wrong step. Even then you do not repent your acts.You are not ashamed.One should be patient if they can not go to war and succeed.If you start talking again,you have to face music from us.What all you did in the past are enough. Now,it would be better if you keep quiet.Persons who are continuously suffering can not keep their calm for such a long time. Like this Arjuna abused Dharmaraju. Again he took out his sword.Sree Krishna wondered why he is taking out his sword again and enquired.Then Arjuna replied in a humiliating manner that he abused Dharmaraju ,so he is not to fit to live on this earth.So,he would behead himself.For this also,Sree Krishna suggested a way out.Arjuna !praise yourself.Elders say that self praise is equal to committing suicide.Arjuna too accepted to do according to sREE kRISHNAs advice. Arjuna held bow and arrows in his hands . He turned towards Dharma raju and started boasting about himself. DharmaRAJA!When I hold my bow and arrows,there is no one equal to me except Siva.I went and won all the kings ,in all the directions. I brought so much treasure and wealth. You used those riches only to conduct Raajasooya yaagam.You dostributed that money as gifts and donations to Brahmins and sages.I secured still more by controlling and killing Samsapthaka ganas.If you count the number of soldiers and warriors ,who died by my arrows,then you would understand my greatness and valor. After speaking like this,Arjuna bent his head down,and saluted Dharma raju.He again spoke.Dharmaraja!please be kind enough to me. I blabbered all the silly and unwanted things about myself.Do not retain them either in your ears or in your mind.Do not think otherwise.aCTUAL TRUTH IS THAT i AM UNDER YOUR COMMAND.yOU SEND ME TO BHEEMA.I would drive away entire koura armies.I would definitely kill Karna and destroy Duryodhanas armies.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Sree Krishna controls Arjuna

Sree Krishna observed Arjunas intention and chided him.Arjuna!why are you taking out your sword?Kouravas are not here.We came here just to know about Dharmarajus well being.We know he is OK now.we should be happy.It is not the time to vent our anger.Who is here to be killed?What is the reason behind your anger? Arjuna was looking at Dharmaraju in a serious manner.He looked at Sree Krishna and told him.Sree Krishna!hear me!I have taken oath to kill that person who tells me to give away my Gaandeevam to others.Now,Dharmaraju said I am incapable and I am not fit person to hold Gaandeevam and should give it away.So fulfill my oath,I took out my sword.I can not go back on my words.What else do you expect me to do now? Sree Krishna replied Arjuna.Where are you from?Why are you thinking like this?It seems you do not know how to respect elders.That might be the reason,why are losing temper for such trivial and unnecessary things.Arjuna was grateful that Sree Krishna stopped him from doing the wrong thing,like a father,by making him see reason.You know what is right and what is wrong ,better than anyone in this world.I took oath.People should know that I abide by rules and regulations.At the same time,I want my brother to be safe.You show me a way out where I need not go astray from my oath and at the same time,my brother is not harmed.

Dharmaraju loses temper

Dharma raju saw Arjuna and Krishna come tovisit him.Hewas under the impression that they had killed Karna and came there to reveal the news.He started praising them.You put an end to life of Karna who could not be defeated by even deities.You have returned safe without any injuries.All my tension are over. Duryodhana and his brothers were put to problem by Bheema. So,Karna left me and went to attack Bheema.So,I returned to the camp.Come on!Arjuna! please tell me in detail how you killed Karna. Arjuna put a stop to Dharmarajus talk by telling him the details of what happened.I was fighting with Samsapthakas. Then Aswathdhaama came to attack me.He could not withstand my,he ran away.Then,I searched for you in the field.You could not be found there.I enquired with Bheema. He told me that you might have returned to the camp.I wanted be sure that you are safe.So,We came to see you.Now,I will return to the war field and put an end to Karna.Please bless me!Even other wise,Bheema is fighting all alone in the war.Dharmaraju could not digest the fact that Karna was still alive. He poured all his frustration out and blamed Arjuna that he also could not win Karna. Dharmaraju was humiliated beyond endurance by Karnas talk and his arrows.He lost his temper with this news.HE lashed at Arjuna in this fashion.Arjuna!if it is inevitable in the war to turn back and run away,it is OK.By coming like that,I am relaxed now.I amnot the only person who was lost to Karna.You are also defeated.Bheema,Nakula,and Sahadeva already lost the war to Karna.Being with us,Krishna also got defeated.So,we need not go back to the war field again.Let us all go back to the woods and become sages.otherwise,let us be servants to Duryodhana and be under his protection.When you were born,It was heard that you would win the kouravas in war.Because of that,I developed enmity with kouravas.But I never dreamt that you would be defeated in the hands of Karna.You have Divya radham,Divyaaswamulu,Kapidhvajam,Gaandeevam and divyaasthrams.Having all these powerful acquisitions,you ran away from Karna. Like this,he started humiliating Krishna and Arjuna.Arjuna toolost his calm and took out his sword to kill Dharmaraju.