Monday 30 June 2014

Pareekshiththu saved by Sree Krishna

Sree Krishna came to Hasthinapuram along with Balarama,Subhadra and other important persons of Yadava dynasty.Yuyuthsudu and Vidurudu had gone to receive them.At that time Uththara gave birth to a dead child. Every one started to cry hearing the news.Kunthee devi requested Sree Krishna to save the child. Sree Krishna!You are our only hope!Abhimanyus ,your son inlaw,son is borne dead.Main reason for this is the effect of divyaasthram released by Aswathdhaama saying that entire Pandava dynasty should perish. Please save this child.You have been protecting Pandavas till now,you protect this child also. Subhadra also pleaded with her brother,Sree Krishna.Krishna!Aswathdhaama tried to release that asthra on Bheema. But the result is that Arjunas grandson is born dead.Please the child and save the dynasty. You save your friends grandson.Sree Krishna gave word to them that he would save the child.Droupadi took him to the room where Uththara was wailing for her sons death.Droupadi went inside the room and told Uththara to talk to Sree Krishna and request him. Uththara pleaded With Sree Krishna to save the child. She took the dead child into her hands and started talking thus.Krishna!if you loved your son in law,Abhimanyu,would his son die/Can Aswathdhaama kill him?I thought that I would ask the child to salute you when you come.But alas he is not in a position to pray you.Hey child !is it not derogatory if you do not salute your elders?Why do you not salute Sree Krishna?Open your eyes and see Kunthee devi.Look at Droupadi.Look at your grand mother,Subhadra!look at me.Please smile at me.saying these words Uththara fainted. When ever she regained conscience,she used to wail please save my child! please save my child! Sree Krishna gave word to them that he would save the child.He came after cleansing himself. He reversed the effect of Brahmasironaamakaasthram released by Aswathdhaama. He kept the boy on the cot and told these words.I would not lie,I will make this boy alive .If I had not told lies even with enemies,if I had not turned back from war,life will enter into this boy.If I loved Brahmins, If I loved right and truth,Uththaras son would be alive.If I FOLLOW TRUTH,RIGHTEOUSNESS AND BRAHMACHARYA,THIS BOY WILL SURVIVE. Slowly the boy moved his hands and legs and opened his eyes. Every one was happy.Uththara brought and kept the boy at the feet of Sree Krishna.She too fell on his feet with reverence.Krishna gave the boy many gifts.The boy was named Pareekshiththu.

Friday 27 June 2014

Dharmaraju brings gold treasures from Himalayas

Pandavas never forgot Abhimanyu. But they never discussed him among themselves with the fear that Uththara would be hurt.One day,when Pandavas were not there,relations discussed about Abhimanyu and his untimely death in the hands of cruel Kouravas.Uththara heard their discussions and her vows could not be controlled.Pandavas came running to console her.They too wept remembering ABHIMANYU.Vyaasamaharshi came there and consoled them. He avisd them to conduct Aswamdhayaagam. Dharmaraju addressed his brothers that they should implement Vyaasas advice. They should go to Himalayas and find the gold and richesleft there by Maruththa king,earlier.They appointed Yuyuthsudu to look after the kingdom and requested Vidurudu to help him.They made arrangements for the journey.They prayed deities and their departed relations and started the journey.They reached Himalayas and prayed for Vyaasa and he came there. Then they did poojas with the help of their priest,Dhoumyudu.With the help of Vyaasa ,they found the treasures left by Maruththa king. They carried all those treasures with the help of lakhs of servants from Himalayas to Hathinapura along the banks of Ganges.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Sree Krishna explains important facts of the war to Balarama

One day Sree Krishna asked Arjuna to take permission from Dharmaraju for his departure to Dwaraka.He said that he was undre the control of Dharmaraju.Arjuna was unhappy hearing Sree KRishnas decision to return to Dwaraka.Sree Krishna and Arjuna started for Hasthinapura.Arjuna praised Sree Krishna and told him that because of his help only they won the war.He expressed his gratefulness to him.They met Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtra,Kuntheedevi,Dharmaraju and Vidurudu.Sree Krishna stayed that night in the house of Arjuna.Next day,in the assembly hall ,they met Dharmaraju and told him of Sree Krishnas plan to return to Dwaraka.Dharmaraju praised Sree Krishna and expressed his respect to elders at Dwaraka.He requested Sree Krishna to come back to attend Aswamedhayaagam.Sree Krishna took leave from Kuntheedevi,Droupadi and left Hasthinapura along with Subhadra and Sathyaki.All his concentration was on Arjuna only. He was turning back again and again to look at Arjuna.Their love and bonding was like that. Every one was happy at Dwaraka to see Sree Krishna a,mong them.Sree Krishna saluted Vasudeva and Balarama and took their blessings.Vasudeva asked Krishna to tell him about the war at Kurukshethra in detail. But Sree KRISHNA told him that it was a very long story. the gist was that on their side,Sree Krishna,Sathyaki and Pandavas were alive. On Kouravas side Krupacharya,Aswathdhaama,Kruthavarma were alive. Just because Yuyuthsudu came to Pandavas side, Dhrutharashtras son,Yuyuthsudu was alive. all others died.Then Subhadra wept and told him to tell about Abhimanyus death to their father,Vasudeva.Hearing that news Vasudeva fainted and all others were dumbstruck.Sree Krishna pacified and consoled them. He said that Aswathdhaama released Brahmasironaamaka asthra saying that entire Pandava dynasty should vanish. But Sree Krishna protected Uththaras womb and saved Abhimanyus son,Pareekshiththu.Heexplained about the valor of Abhimanyu and cunning and wicked nature of Kouravas in killing Abhimanyu.Dharmaraju was ruling the country.

Aswamedha parvamu

After performing last rites to Bheeshma.Dharmaraju could not control his grief.He was about to fall to the ground. Bheema caught him and slowly made him lie on the ground.Arjuna and others attended to him.Sree Krishna pacified him.Dhrutharashtra came and sat near him. Dharmaraja!You won this kingdom according to Kshathriya rules and regulations only.Oh son!do not weep!main reason for all this calamity is that I have never stood by what was right.That is the main why why Gaandhaari and I are in such a despicable condition.We are aged and we are alone.Think of us.Do not be sorrowful.Sree Krishna also pacified him. Dharmaraju!if kith and kin weep ,departed souls also would not be happy.all your people died in war and reached heaven.So,you need not be sorry for them.YoU conduct a great yagna and give donations profusely.You pray deities and pithrudevathas. Vyaasa maharshi also chided him. Dharmaraja! we have been brain washing you since so much time. aGAIN YOU ARE LOSING YOUR CONFIDENCE. Are our teachings and preachings full waste?Dharma raju replied him.You are all telling me that I can wipe off my sins by conducting Aswamedha yaagam and by giving donations to Brahmins profusely.But let me put my point before you. All the kings died in the war.It is not right to take money from their sons who are still in grief.Duryodhana utilised the entire amount in the treasury and that too ,which was saved by people.So,at present I do not have any money.I do not know any way out to earn so much money to conduct Aswamedha yaagam.In this condition,How can I conduct it?So,please give me permission to go to vaanaprastham. To this Vyasa maharshi smiled and gave a suggestion. Dharmaraja!earlier a king named,Maruththudu, did a yagna and gave donations and offerings profusely to all the great Brahmins.Brahmins could not carry such huge amounts. So,they carried whatever they could and left what they could not carry.While leaving that place they gave the word that who ever comes across that money and riches can take it.They would not be in the wrong,if they take that money.That king perfomed the yagna with golden vessels and articles. That king left all those golden appliances there itself and told that any one can take them and use them.So,Dharmaraja!go ,collect and bring them and use them.Dharmaraju learnt about the story of King Maruththudu.Sree Krishna advised Dharmaraju to win over his enemy named sorrow.He told him to be happy and told him Kaama geetha.Vyaasa,Narada,and other sages,bHeema,Droupadi and others saw to it that Dharmaraju came out of his sorrow.Dharmaraju told that he would find that riches and they had to come again.They all blessed him and went their ways.Dharmaraju gave donations to Brahmins in the name of Karna and other great warriors.He lived along the banks of Ganga for some time and returned to Hasthinapura. Sree Krishna and Arjuna stayed at Indraprastham.They were moving along the rivers,mountains and forests and discussing about many things. Arjuna would think of Abhimanyu and would become sad. Sree Krishna would pacify him.Arjuna was grateful for his friends help in bringing back the kingdom to Pandavas and he would show his gratitude to Sree krishna. Like that,both friends were happy.

Monday 23 June 2014

Sree Krishna pacifies Ganga

Dharmaraju and his brothers,along with Yuyuthsudu and Vidurudu placed the body of Bheeshma on sandal wood blocks .The bathed the dead body with scented waters and pious Ganga waters.THey put silk clothes on the body.They decorated his body with reverence.They gave donations on a large scale to Brahmins.Nakula and Sahadeva carried him holding his head. Dhrutharashtra and dHARMARAJU HELD HIM towards his feet. Bheema and Arjuna placed white cloth over his body. Yuyuthsudu held an umbrella.Dhoumyudu presided the formalities.Pandavas did last rites to Bheeshmas body in a grand manner.While Vyasa was accompanying them,they performed thilodaka pradaanam along with their wives ,on the banks of Ganga. At that time,Ganga came out from the waters ,weeping for her son.Hey Krishna!You all know about my sons valor.He has determination.He won over his teacher,Parasurama ,also .But at the end,he was killed in the hands of Sikhandi.I am still alive,seeing all these atrocities.To her wailing,Sree Krishna pacified her.Hey Ganga!do not pine for your son.Your son went to heaven.Actually,he is one of the Vasuvus.But ,due to a curse,He was born as a human being.He has no one equal to him.Do not be sad.Even Indra can not defeat him. How can Sikhandi win over him?On Bheeshmas request only,Arjuna felled him,but it looked as if Sikhandi defeated him.Arjuna himselfprepared the bed of arrows on Bheeshmas bidding.Bheeshma is such a great man, that he had death in his control.. he left this world according to his wish. Ganga devi was convinced and left them with clear mind.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Anusaasanika parvamu

After fifty days,Yudhishtara came to Bheeshma,after the onset of Uththaraayana punyakalam. He came along with Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtra,his brothers,Krupaachaarya,Dhoumyudu and other Brahmins. By the time he went,already,Vyaasa and many great sages were there.Yudhishtara and his brothers saluted each and every one of them in reverence.He went to Bheeshma and told him that he came along with all his people as per his request and pleaded him to open his eyes and look at them.Bheeshma opened up his eyes and expressed his happiness in seeing all of them. He turned towards Dhrutharashtra and gave him piece of advice.Dhrutharashtra!you are a great man. You studied vedas.You respected elders .You know what is right and what is wrong.Do not feel sorry for what has happened.Because they were bound to happen in that fashion only.Pandurajus sons are also your kids.You helped them,protected them and looked after them ,since their childhood.Be afather figure to them and look after their welfare.Accept their offerings of service to you. You direct them as what to do and what not to do. Your brothers children are your children too. never forget that that fact. Bheeshma looked at Sree Krishna and praised him profusely.He saluted him and requested him to have soft corner towards him.He said,Hey Krishna1you are my strength.I am your disciple.You give me permission to leave this body and leave this world. You are the only strength to pandavas.You protect them all the time.You and Arjuna are great sages named as Naranarayanas.Krishna was very happy to hear these words. He told Bheeshma that he was a very good soul. He had done nothing wrong. He had done many good things in his life.He loved and respected his father to the utmost extent. That was the reason,why even death was waiting at his door steps for his permission and is in his possession.Krishna had given Bheeshma permission to leave this earthly body and reach heaven. Bheeshma took [permission from every one there to die and told them to follow righteousness, nonviolence all the time.He donated all his possessions to Brahmins.Bheeshma told Yudhishtara that Brahmins,Ruthviks,teachers,old people are to be respected all the time.slowly,he left this materialistic world.

Monday 16 June 2014

Bheeshma tells stories of so many great people

Bheeshma told sages and Yudhishtara the stories of Naadee janghudu,importance of righteousness,story of a brilliant man,story of a brahmin ,Manky.He told Ajagara sory,how five most important elements have evolved,symptoms of death nearing us,dialogue between Sulabha and Janaka,Story of Suka maharshi,dialogue between ,Nara and Narayana,good advises given by Vishnu told deities,and importance of Hayagreeva. Yudhishtara told Bheeshma that Duryodhana has denied kingdom to Yudhishtara out of greed and he in turn fought with greed for kingdom.Then ,Bheeshma explained about death and how powerful it is.Bheeshma told him ABOUT story of Sudarsana,importance of Brahminism,fighty between god and the mortal,importance of protection other person,story of Garutmantha,places where wealth would stay and saw to it that Yudhishtara came out of his sadness. At that time, sages like Athrivasishta,Bhruguvu,Pulasthya,Pulahudukrathuvu,Angirasudu,Agasthyudu,Kanvudu,Gouthamudu,Viswamithra,Jamadagni and many others came to visit Bheeshma ,in his last stages.Pandavas saluted each and every one of them and praised them profusely.They saw him and disappeared in the split of a second. Bheeshma explained their greatness.He explained in detail the greatness of Ganga,the river.He explained the dialogue between Narada and Vasudeva ,and,Bhoomi and Vasudeva. Dharmaraju asked him how people would go after death.Bheeshma told him that it was a secret and only Bruhaspathi could tell him. Bruhaspathi was about to come there. So,Bheeshma advised Yudhishtara to ask that question and get answer from Bruhaspathi.Bruhaspathi clarified the doubts of Yudhishtara and went to Amaravathi.Bheeshma told Yudhishtara about Ahimsa,ie nonviolence,dialogue between Vyasa and Mythreya,Dialogue between Kaikeyi and Sandili,Dialogue between Narada and Pundareeka,story of Sree Krishna,dialogue between Uma and Maheswara,caste system as told by Siva and its rules and regulations,Vishnu sahaasranamaavali,dialogue between Pavana and Kaarthaveerya.Bheeshma told that Sree Krishna would explain Brahminism and its effects.Sree Krishna told him that and greatness of Siva. Bheeshma then explained intricate and delicate dharmasookshmas,reasons for good and bad in ones life.Bheeshma then told Yudhishtara to come out of his agonised mind and rule the kingdom peacefully. He told that Vyasa maharshi was God himself personified.Sree Krishna is God himself ,but your man now.He blessed pandavas and directed them to go to Hasthinapura and be happy.

Friday 13 June 2014

Bheeshma explains virtue and righteousness to Dharmaraju

Bheeshma said these words of praise to Dharmaraju. When Dharmaraju was born,all the sages were very happy.No one equal him in righteousness in the entire world. If he still has some doubts and wants to clarify them with me,I would be most obliged to help him.Krishna told like this. Dharmaraju is under the impression that he has killed his teachers,relations ,friends and elders in the war.Crores of people died with the effect of war,either directly or indirectly.He is afraid how you would react to him.To this Bheeshma repliedthat it is the duty of Brahmins to learn Vedas.Similarly,it is the duty of the king to war against those who are in the wrong.It is not wrong even if he kills near and dear,when they arein the wrong.So,Dharmaraju is in the right path only. Dharmaraju ,then,got up and saluted him and touched his feet with reverence.Bheeshma called him with affection and made him sit near him.Dharmaraju saluted Sree Krishna ,Vyaasaand other sages and took their permission to question Bheeshma regarding virtue and righteousness.He asked Bheeshma to tell him about the duties and rules of kings.How should they behave.Next day morning Pandavas came to Bheeshma,along with sages. Bheeshma explained about Danda neethiie how a king should punish if the other person has done something wrong.He told the stories of Vainyudu and other kings.He told about the rules and regulations of caste system.He told about Maandhaatha story. He explained about rights of civilians.He told him rules of kings as told by Bruhaspathi.He told about Kubera and Muchikunda converasation.He told how one should do penance.He explained truth and how to control temptations.He explained about Khadga prabhavam ,when Nakula asked.Dharmaraju discussed with Vidura differences and distinguishing features of Dharma,ardha and kaama. Next day ,they again came to Bheeshma.

Tuesday 10 June 2014


Dharmaraju handed over the kingdom to Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari and told them that he would rule the country according to their wishes and likes.He used to take their advice before implementing any thing.He saw to it that widows of the war were never sorry.He respected elders like Yuyuthsudu,Sanjaya,ministers of kouravas,Dhoumyudu and others.He attended to his mother Kuntheedevi and wife ,Droupadi. One day,He went to see Sree Krishna.At that time,Sree krishna was in dhyaana.Later ,he saw Dharmaraju and told him that he was thinking about Bheeshma,who was on the bed of arrows for many days. Bheeshma was praying him.Sree Krishna suggested that Uththaraayana punya kaalam was about to start. So,he should go to Bheeshma and seek help from him. clarify his doubts regarding righteousness.It would be good for Dharmaraju.Krishna told Dharmaraju to call his brothers,Krupacharyudu,Yuyuthsudu and Sanjaya. They should all go to visit Bheeshma. All of them went to Bheeshma in the warfield.There,they saw that Vyaasa,Naarada,Deva sthaanu,vaathsya and maharshis and sages were involved with Bheeshma in debate on righteousness.Sree Krishna told about the story of Parasurama to Dharmaraju on their way to Bheeshma.Dharmaraju and others saluted all the great sages and recieved their blessings.Sree Krishna enquired the health of Bheeshma.He praised Bheeshmas valour,knowledge and his righteous path of living.Sree Krishna requested Bheeshma to give suggestions to Dharmaraju on many issues which were troubling his conscience. Bheeshma saluted Sree Krishna and praised him that he was omniscient all knowledgiable.Sree Krishna told that he understood his bhakthi. He also told that after fifty six days from then,sun will enter uththarayana punyakaalam,then he could leave his body.VaSUVULU WOULD WAIT FOR HIS ARRIVAL ON PLANES.After you leave this world,righteousness should not be lost in this world. So tell all about it to DHARMARAJU. BHEESHMA told Krishna his inability to talk and explain things to Dharmaraju and so,requested Krishna to tell those things,himself .To that Krishna gave Bheeshma three boons. Bheeshma would not feel the pain or exhaustion caused by the arrows.He would not feel drowsy and thirsty.he would feel as if he is in fit state of body and mind.his mind would be so clear that he would neither waver nor get confusion in explaining things to Dharmaraju.Vyaasa and other sages praised Sree Krishna for his foresight. Next day,pandavas,Sree Krishna took Dhrutharashtra also along with them. By the time they went,Vyaasa and other sages were also present there.Narada told them to clarify everyones doubts as Bheeshma was about to leave his body soon.Then they said that Dharmaraju was the apt person to start the dialogue with Bheeshma. Bheeshma was fit and fine like a boy.He asked Krishna why he has selected him to tell them about righteousness. He himself could have told them.To that Sree Krishna told that he wanted him to give that credit to Bheeshma.