Thursday 6 October 2011


Dhrutharashtra and Panduraju learnt all the talents.Bheeshma came to know that princess of Gaandhaara ,Gaandhari had the blessing that she would be the mother of 101 children.He wanted to make her the wife of Dhrutharashtra.King of Gaandhaara also accepted this proposal.Sakuni,son of the king of Gaandhaara brought his sister to Hasthinapura ang got her married to Dhrutharashtra.Her other sisters named Sathyavratha,Sudeshna,Samhitha,Thejassrava,Susrava,Subhasambhava,and dasaarna were also married to him.Bheeshma brought some other good charactered ladies also and got them married to Dhrutharashtra.Gaandhaari thought she did not want eyesight which her husband lacked.So tied her eyes with acloth to prove her Paathivrathyam.She continued this constantly.
Paanduraaju became more efficient in all the facets of learning.He made veryone proud with his talents and docilty towards elders.Bheeshma was more optimistic that because of Panduraaju only the dynasty kurus would prosper in future.
He wanted to get him married and started in that direction.
In the meantime,Kuntheebhojudu declared swayamvaram for his daughter ,Kunthee devi.Paanduraaju defeated other princes in the competetion and won Kunthee devis hand in marriage.after that bhheshmas acceptance ,he married Maadri,princess of Madraraajyam.Hedefeated many kings all over.They were all made saamanthulu of Dhrutharaashtra.Those kings gave huge wealth to Dhrutharaashtra.The wealth he eanrned,pANDURAAJU DISTRIBUTED AMONG bHEESHMA,Ambika,Ambalika and Brahmins.With the help of Paandraaju ,Dhrutharashtra succesfully completed hundred Aswamdheyaagas.