Monday 24 October 2011


DRONA TOOK PERMISSION FROM DHRUTHARASHTRA to show the talent of his disciples.He wanted to parade their efficiency in the art before Vyasa and Bheeshma.They arranged a big arena .Dhrutharashtra came with all his queens.Kuntheedevi also came and sat with Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra.Vidura sat beside Dhrutharashtra and was explaining him the events that were taking place.Vyasa and Bheeshma came and alighted their appropriate seats.Dronacharya came along with his son,Aswaddhaama and stood in the arena.Bheema and Duryodhana started Gadaayuddham.Actually it was supposed to be an act to show their talent .But it went astray and viewers made hue and cry observing the unwarranted developments.Dronachaarya sent Aswaddhaama and stopped their fight.Then he told the viewrs to observe and enjoy Arjunas talent.Every one praised Arjuna and Kuntheedevi felt very happy on the achievements of her child.Arjuna showed very unique and specialised acts of archery.

Then Karna stood near the entrance of arena and attracted the viewers.Duryodhana and others backed Karna.Pandavas went near Dronacharya.Then Karna did all the acts that were done by Arjuna in similar fashion.Then Karna challenged Arjuna for a duel to prove his supremacy.Arjuna was also ready to start the duel.They covered each other with arrows and people could not see them.
Then Krupaacharyudu stood between them and declared that duel should be ha dbetween equals.Arjuna was the son of kunthee and Pandu raju.He asked Karna to tell about his parentage.Karna stood with his head bowed.Then Duryodhana made him the king ofAngarajyam with the approval of Bheeshma and Dhrutharashtra.Karna asked Duryodhana what he would want in return.Duryodhana replied he wanted nothing but his friendship.That day was over.That night Duryodhana could sleep without any fear of Pandavas.

As a matter of fact,this kumaaraasthra pradarsana was like a seedling to the forth coming kurukshethra war.

Then Dronacharyudu called all his disciples and told them that it was their turn to give him gurudakshina.He said defeating Drupada and bringing him to his feet was their only gurudakshina to him.Kurukumaaras went to panchalarajyam and fought with Drupada but were defeated.Arjuna took blessings from Drona and Dharmaraju and went to face Drupada in war.Drupada fought with Arjuna ferociously.Arjuna caught Drupada alighting on his chariot and borught him to his guru,Dronacharya.Drona was happily satisfied with Arjunas talent.He made fun of Drupada and left him.Dronas anger subsided so easily like fire of dry grass.

At that time ,Drupada could not do anything.So, thinking of revenge,he started doing devabrahmana pooja.He was waiting for the appropriate time .

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