Sunday 16 October 2011


Vaisampaayanudu started telling the story .A sage by name Gowthama had a son named saradvanthudu.He was born with arrows and bows.So he was named like that.He learnt dhanurvedamu.Indra was afraid of his penance and sent an apsarasa named Jalapadi.Saradvanthudu swa Jalapadi and he was filled with lust for her.He lost himself and in that moment Bows and arrows left his body and fell on the ground.He had semen release which which fell on the ground in two places .From them,One boy and a girl were born.Santhanu maharaju saw the children,bows and arrows,and krishnaajinamulu .He took pity on the children and brought them home.
As the king gave them shelter with pity,the boy was called Krupa and the girl as Krupi.He made the efficient in all the fields and in education.Bheeshma called for Krupaachaarydu and told him teach all his talents in archery to Paandavaas and kouravas.Both pandavaas and kouravaas became efficient in archry under his guidance.Besides these ,other pupils belonging to other casted like Yaadavaas also learnt these form him.

A sage by name Bharadwaajudu one day went for a bath in river Ganges.He swa an apsarasa and lost his control.HE TOO collected his semen in adronamu.So the boy who was born from that was named as Drona.Drupadudu and Dronudu started learning from Bharadwaaja .Later Drupada became the king of Paanchaaladesam.
Drona married Krupas sister Krupi.They had a son named Aswatthaama.He want to Parasuraama and requested him to teach all that was known to him.Parasuraama accepted his request and taught him how to use and recall all the divyaasthramulu and the concerned manthras .He also taught him dhanurvidya techniques.Then Drona went to his childhood friend Drupada ,who was now the king of Paanchaaladesam.He asked him with all the love and affection whether he could recognise his childhood friend.
But Drupada was headstrong with his stature and power.He made him ashamed by saying that great kings like him would not have cheap friends like him. And told him to go away.Drona was humiliated to the utmost extent and he came to Hasthinaapauram along with his wife,son ,agnihothram and pupils.

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