Friday 28 October 2011

Dharmaraju made the prince

Dhrutharashtra discussed with Bheeshma and Vidura nad made Dharmaraju as yuvaraaju.Sons of Panduraju behaved well with all and they liked them very much in return.All round development of Pandavas could not be revieved by Duryodhana in right prospect.He could not accept the fact wholeheartedly.He did not know what to do.He discussed this matter with Karna,Sakuni and dussaasana.Sakuni advised him to defeat them by wrong means.Duryodhana accepted it because he fully well knew that he could not win over them face to face.He told Dhrutharashtra also to terminate them by wrong means.
One day,Dhrutharashtra called Pandavas.He wept remembering his lost brother.Panduraju.He advised them to go to religious place,Kasi ,taking their mother also along with them.He told them to stay there for sometime till he calls them back.Pandavas agreed to his suggestion.They left for varanaavatha nagaram.
Duryodhana called Purochana ,his obedient aide.He told him to reach Kasi before Pandavas reach there and construct a palace made of Lak.He was supposed to make Pandavas stay in that house.If Duryodhana became the king ,he would be properly looked after in all angles.Purochanudu accepted the tie up and reached Kasi before Pandavas.

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