Thursday 22 December 2011

Dharmarajus rule

One day Dhrutharashtra declared in full meeting of all the members that he was giving half the kingdom to Pandavas eldest one,Yudhishtara.He gave all the wealth of Panduraju to him.He told him to rule his part of the kingdom making Khandavaprastham as the capital.Paandavas went to Khandavaprastham along with Sree krishna.Krishna called Indra .Indra called Viswakarma and bade him to create beautiful palace,.They named it as Indraprastha.Dharmaraju ruled the king .Droupadi was the queen.The country was prospering beautifully.Krishna returned to Dwaraka after some time.He told them that Narada would come and they had to follow his instructions.Narada told them that five husband having one wife is unusual in this world.Trouble may shoot up in future.To ward of it,they should have some decent procedure to follow . Then they thought that Droupadi would become wife to one person only for one year.During that time .others should stay away.If at all,they streepass or violate this rule,They have to stay away for one year and go to religious places.All accepted this rule and were living happily.

Sunday 18 December 2011


Duryodhana and his men were worried about Pandavas success.They were seriously thinking about how to destroy them.Vidurudu was happy about welfare of Pandavas.He told Dhrutharashtra that Pandavas married Droupadi and were happy.Dhrutharashtra was also happy for Vidura.One day Karna ,Duryodhana and others went to Dhrutharashtra.If by planning ,they could kill Bheema, Karna can kill Arjuna.It WOULD BE EASY THEN TO kill other Pandavas.Dhrutharashtra was also of same opinion but advised them to be cautious.He called for Bheeshma,Drona,Vidura,Kropaacharylu,Aswathdhaama,Soma dattha and other well wishers and asked for their opinion in this matter.Bheeshma told that Dhrutharashtra and Panduraju were same to him.He would not side any person.He did not want them to develop grudge against Pandavas.For the kingdom,Pandavas were also as eligible as were Duryodhana and his other brothers.So it would be better if they gave the rightful portion of kingdom that is due to Panduraju to Pandavas.Dronacharyudu also sided with Bheeshma.Vidurudu also told them to call Pandavas and give their portion to themrightfully.They pleaded with Dhrutharashtra to see that no damage is done to the people due to vicious thinking of Duryodhana.
At that time Dhrutharashtra told Bheeshma and others that he would follow their advise.He told Vidura to bring Pandavas.Vidura went to Drupadapuram to bring Pandavas.Sreekrishna was also there.Vidura gave them gifts and told Drupada king to send Pandavas to Hasthina.Pandavas took leave of Drupada and went to Hasthina along with Kuntheedevi,Sreekrishna and dhrushtadyumnudu along with huge army.Knowing about their arrival,Dhrutharashtra sent Vikarna chithrasena,Drona and Krupaachaaryulu to welcome them.Every one respected elders.Like this ,Pandavas and KOuravas lived together happily for five years.

Monday 12 December 2011


Dhrushtadyumana came to Pandavas and requested them to alitechariots and go to their king.Pandavas went to Drupada along with Kunthi and Droupadi.Drupada gave them many gifts but they took only swords and armors.Drpada could identify that they belonged to Kshathriya vamsa by seeing their stature.THey sat in appropriate seats fit for kings.
Dharmaraju told Drupada that they were of royal blood.They were sons of Panduraju.He introduced all his younger brothers and his mother.Drupada was very happy .Then Dharmaraju said that as per their mothers wish they all would marry Droupadi.Drupada was aghast and said that they would decide on it the next day.Vyasa maharshi came then .He was welcomed warmly and seated properly.Then Drupada told the sage about the latest issue.Vyasa maharshi then directed Drupada to marry his daughter to all the five Pandavas without any doubt.Vyasa showed him their previous birth by his power.He then agreed to to the marriage.Vyasa maharshi said that moon was with Rohini star that day.It was an auspicious day.So ,all the five members can marry Droupadi that day.Dhoumyudu was the holy priest who performed their marriages.
Droupadi was also loving all her husbands equally.Everyone loved her wholeheartedly in return.Kunthi also loved her Daughter in law.Kunthi taught her gruhinee dharmam.Sree krishna also came to know about their marriage to Droupadi and was happy.He too sent them gifts.Pandavas lived happily with Droupadi in Drupadas town.

Sunday 27 November 2011

karnas reaction to swayamvaram

Duryodhana and his brothers could not digest the celbration and festive mood of Droupadis swayam varam.THEY were angry with Drupada as they thought he had belittled them.They went against him to harm him in groups.Drupada was afraid and hid behind Brahmins.Brahmins stod for him and fought with them with their Dandamulu and ajinamulu .They were not afraid.Arjuna saw all this farce and directed his arrows against Duryodjana and his aides.Bheemasena lifted a huge tree and stood like Yama to them.Karna was fearless and fought with Arjuna.Salya fought with bheemasena.Kings,Brahmins and Devathas were aghast with the developments.Karna could not stop the arrows that were being directed by Arjuna towards them.Karna lost his wits and left the battleground.Bheema dumped Salya on to the ground.Salya escaped with defeat.Brahmanas laughed at their plight.They praised Bheemasena.

Bheema and arjuna came home taking Droupadi also along with them.Dharmaraju also came at the same time along with Nakula and Sahadeva.Kunthee was happy to see her children return.Bhema and Arjuna told her mother they brought bhiksha and she replied that all should share equally without seeing droupadi.Later she turned and saw Droupadi.She was ashamed at her reply and was worried.Dharmaraju consoled his mother.He turned towards Arjuna and told him to her as he won her in the contest.
But unusually everyone was interested in her as awife.Dharmaraju could percieve their reaction.He remembered Vyasa maharshis words.He could understand and thought that according to their mothers wish ,Droupadi should become wife to all of them.Sreekrishna and Balaraludu came to see Dharmaraju and they introduced themselves to Kunthee.They blessed Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula and Sahadeva .All were happy.Krishna said that good days were about to come for Pandavas and left with Balarama.Drpadudu also saw Dhrushtadyumna and told him to bring everyone for the function.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Droupadi swayamvaram

One day one brahmin came to the house where Pandavas were residing.He told that Drupada notified swayamvara to his daughter who was born in yagnakundamu.Pandavas wanted to go there and Kunthi also agreed.They told their house owner and started their journey to Drupada nagaramu.Vyaasamaharshi came to them.Pandavas respected him duly.He too blessed them and directed them to go to Drupada nagaram and good will come out of their journey.
Swayam varam started amidst mangala vaadyamulu.Princes from different kingdoms came and tried their luck but failed to win.Taking Dharmarajus permission Arjuna got up From Brahmins rows and went there to use the Arrow.H e prayed his teachers,He went round the bow and arrows with reverence.He held the bow above his head and seeing at the image in water ,he struck at the moving fish above his head.Every one was awestruck.It rained flowers on Arjuna.Dharmaraju went home along with Nakula an Sahadeva.Drupadas daughter,Droupadi walked slowly up the aisle and put the garland in Arjunas neck and prayed him.She was happy.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bakasuruni vadha-yekachakrapura nivasamu

Vyaasamaharshi came to Pandavas like a boon one day.They all respected him in proper manner.He told them that they would rule the country definitely after some time.He advised them to be anonymous for certain period for the present.He directed them to go to Yekachakrapuram after some time and live there like Brahmins.He would come there and advise them accordingly .Pandavas lived in the abode of Salihothras aasramam.Hidimba gave birth to Ghatothkachudu.He told them that he would come to them in times of need and went away along with his demons in the direction of north.Pandavas reached Yekachakramanu agraharam.

Pandavas lived in a house of a Brahmin like brahmins.Pandavas went for bikshaatana and gave to their mother what all they brought.Kunthi used to divide the food food they brought in to two halves .She used to give one part to Bheema and the remaining portion was eaten by her other sons and herself.Like that they lived there in hiding.One day Kunthi and bheema were in the house.Owners of their house started crying.Kunthi said that she had to know their problem and clarify it.Because she too was affected by their unhappiness.Bheema consoled her and told her to know what their problem was.Then he would try to clear it.She went in to their house but no one took notice of her presence.They were still crying.House owner said he would go as food to the demon.Wife told him to get married to another woman and fulfill his duties.She would become the food for for the demon.Daughter told them to send her as food to the demon.She felt that they both should live to propagate the vamsam.Their small son came with a small stick and told them that he would kill the demon with that stick and save them in a childish manner.

Kunthi asked them the reason for their unhappiness.He told her that on the banks of Yamuna ,there lived a demon by name Bakudu.He used to kill and eat everyone in the village.Then the villagers came to an understanding with them that daily they would send a man along with food to him.Today was their day to send a person and food to the demon.So he had to go to the demon as food.Then Kunthi told them them not to worry.She would send one of her sons as food to the demon.But The owner said that brahma hathya was papam was the most severe papam and he would never do it.So he himself would go the demon.But Kunthi consoled him and told Bheema to go as food to the demon and make her happy.Bheema agreed.Bheema was happy that there was achance for him for duel with the demon.She told of her decision to Dharmaraju and others and they were happy for her act.Bheema took the food on a cart with two bullocks and went southwards to the demon.He was calling the demon to come.He started eating the food before his arrival.

Bakaasura was very angry with the attitude of Bheema and came to him.He lifted a tree from the ground and came to fight with Bheema.Bheema also did the same and they fought ferociously.Bakasura died of wounds made by Bheema.Pandavas lived there as usual afterwards.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

hidimba vadha

Paandavaas enetered deep forestof durgamaaranayamu.Hidimbudu,a demon was living there .He saw these pandavas.He sent his sister ,Hidimba,to go and kill them and bring them to him.Hidimba saw Bheema and had love at first sight.She approached him in the guise of a lady.She requested him to make her his wife.Bheema made fun of her and sent her back.Hidimbudu came angrily that his sister did not pay heed to his directions.She was afraid of her brother and hid behind Bheema.Bheema held Hidimbudus hand.They had a ferocious fight.Hidimbudu roared holding Bheema viciously.Kunthi and other brothers of Bheema woke up.

Kunthi saw Hidimbi and enquired about her.How she came to be there,they were surprised.Hidimba replied her that she was hidimbudus sister and they were fighting.She pacified Kunthi and told that Bheema would kill the demon and save them/They need not fear any more.Then they saw Bheema and Hidimbudu fighting.Bheema threw him down and broke his hips and killed the demon.

Dharmaraju and others saw Bheemas technique and the torture Hidimbudu suffered in the hands of Bheema.They continued their journey from there.Bheema told Hidimbi ,he would not believe her.He told her to leave them and go her own way.Hidimbi was afraid and shuddered with fear.

But Dharmaraju took her side.He told that they believed her virtue and had faith in her integrity.Hidimba prayed Kunthidevi and Dharmaraaju.She told Kunthee devi in secrecy that she could assess past,future and present.She told Kunthi that Krishna dvaipaayana mahaamuni would come there and preach them.

Kunthideviand Pandavas were awestruck by her forecast.They requested Bheema to accept her hand in marriage.Bheema alos put one condition that he would live with her till she had a son and no more.

Sunday 30 October 2011

burning of lak house

Purochana showed the house he made with lak to Pandavas.tHEY ENTERED THAT HOUSE.Dharmaju behaved in such a manner that he believed Purochana.He observed that house and assessed how that house was made.Even Vidura suspected that it was the out come of Duryodhanas vicious act.He sent one person to Pandavas and see that he makes a tunnel underground from that house into the forest.Vidura sent sent some suggestions and directions to Dharmaraju through that person.That servant and aide made the tunnel secretively and showed it to Dharmaraju.That man reminded Pandavas that Purochana has decided to burn down the lak house on coming krishna chathurdasi day.

Purochana kept one low caste woman as helper to Kunthee devi.She too had five sons and she was serving them along with her sons.She used to pass on the information of Pandavas to Purochana regularly.

By midnight,Bheema swa that the house was put to flames before Purochana.His mother and other brothers were sleeping and so carried all pf them through THe tunnel to outside.The lac house burnt all through the night.In the flames,Purochana,the lady and all her five sons died.Local prople saw the ashes and thought that Pandavas were killed by Dhrutharashtra and blamed him and abused him.When he was conducting assembly along with Karna,Duryodhana and others the news of death of Pandavas reached them.Dhrutharashtra,Gaandhaari,Bheeshma and other civilians wept.Vidura ,who knew the actual facts ,also wept along with them.Dhrutharashtra conducted last rites to Pandavas on the banks of Ganges with his family members.Duryodhana felt very happy on hearing the news of Pandavas death.

Friday 28 October 2011

Dharmaraju made the prince

Dhrutharashtra discussed with Bheeshma and Vidura nad made Dharmaraju as yuvaraaju.Sons of Panduraju behaved well with all and they liked them very much in return.All round development of Pandavas could not be revieved by Duryodhana in right prospect.He could not accept the fact wholeheartedly.He did not know what to do.He discussed this matter with Karna,Sakuni and dussaasana.Sakuni advised him to defeat them by wrong means.Duryodhana accepted it because he fully well knew that he could not win over them face to face.He told Dhrutharashtra also to terminate them by wrong means.
One day,Dhrutharashtra called Pandavas.He wept remembering his lost brother.Panduraju.He advised them to go to religious place,Kasi ,taking their mother also along with them.He told them to stay there for sometime till he calls them back.Pandavas agreed to his suggestion.They left for varanaavatha nagaram.
Duryodhana called Purochana ,his obedient aide.He told him to reach Kasi before Pandavas reach there and construct a palace made of Lak.He was supposed to make Pandavas stay in that house.If Duryodhana became the king ,he would be properly looked after in all angles.Purochanudu accepted the tie up and reached Kasi before Pandavas.

Monday 24 October 2011


DRONA TOOK PERMISSION FROM DHRUTHARASHTRA to show the talent of his disciples.He wanted to parade their efficiency in the art before Vyasa and Bheeshma.They arranged a big arena .Dhrutharashtra came with all his queens.Kuntheedevi also came and sat with Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra.Vidura sat beside Dhrutharashtra and was explaining him the events that were taking place.Vyasa and Bheeshma came and alighted their appropriate seats.Dronacharya came along with his son,Aswaddhaama and stood in the arena.Bheema and Duryodhana started Gadaayuddham.Actually it was supposed to be an act to show their talent .But it went astray and viewers made hue and cry observing the unwarranted developments.Dronachaarya sent Aswaddhaama and stopped their fight.Then he told the viewrs to observe and enjoy Arjunas talent.Every one praised Arjuna and Kuntheedevi felt very happy on the achievements of her child.Arjuna showed very unique and specialised acts of archery.

Then Karna stood near the entrance of arena and attracted the viewers.Duryodhana and others backed Karna.Pandavas went near Dronacharya.Then Karna did all the acts that were done by Arjuna in similar fashion.Then Karna challenged Arjuna for a duel to prove his supremacy.Arjuna was also ready to start the duel.They covered each other with arrows and people could not see them.
Then Krupaacharyudu stood between them and declared that duel should be ha dbetween equals.Arjuna was the son of kunthee and Pandu raju.He asked Karna to tell about his parentage.Karna stood with his head bowed.Then Duryodhana made him the king ofAngarajyam with the approval of Bheeshma and Dhrutharashtra.Karna asked Duryodhana what he would want in return.Duryodhana replied he wanted nothing but his friendship.That day was over.That night Duryodhana could sleep without any fear of Pandavas.

As a matter of fact,this kumaaraasthra pradarsana was like a seedling to the forth coming kurukshethra war.

Then Dronacharyudu called all his disciples and told them that it was their turn to give him gurudakshina.He said defeating Drupada and bringing him to his feet was their only gurudakshina to him.Kurukumaaras went to panchalarajyam and fought with Drupada but were defeated.Arjuna took blessings from Drona and Dharmaraju and went to face Drupada in war.Drupada fought with Arjuna ferociously.Arjuna caught Drupada alighting on his chariot and borught him to his guru,Dronacharya.Drona was happily satisfied with Arjunas talent.He made fun of Drupada and left him.Dronas anger subsided so easily like fire of dry grass.

At that time ,Drupada could not do anything.So, thinking of revenge,he started doing devabrahmana pooja.He was waiting for the appropriate time .

Sunday 23 October 2011

dronacharyudu reaches hasthinapuramu

Children of Dhrutharashtra were playing with a ball one day.The ball fell into a well.Children did not know how to take it from the well and stood watching round the well.Then Drona took it out by using arrows one after another.Then the children took him to the palace.Drona told his story to Bheeshma.He also told the heinous act of Drupa also.Bheeshma was happy and made him the teacher of his grandchildren.He taught them how to use arrows and bow.Among all of them,Arjuna was the best.He also made his teacher by his behaviour also.Aswththaama,Dronas son was also jealous of Arjuna.People who saw Arjunas talent felt That Parasuramudu would have looked like this when he was armoured with an arrow and a bow.Drona taught the children other acts like sword fight,prasamu and gadaayuddhamu also.

Yekalavyudu was the son of Kiratharaju,Hiranya dhanvudu.He too wanted to learn these talents from Drona.Drona refused to teach dhanurvidya to kirathaka.
He went home,made Dronas statue and prayed it with sincerety.He started learning shooting with arrows treating thw statue as his master and achieved mastery in that field.Rajas children saw the statue of their guru and Yekalavya .They told about his talent and how he learnt it to their master.

Arjuna enquired with his guru if Yekalavya was his disciple.Drona was awestruck and went to know the facts personally .Yekalavya was very happy to recieve his guru .He welcomed him whole heartedly.He asked what he would want as guru dakshina.To appease Arjuna,Drona asked for his right hand thumb as gurudakshina.Yekalavya happily removed and gave it to his guru.Like this Yekalavyas expertise in archery came to a sad end.Arjuna was relieved because Yekalavya would have been a threat to him in future.It brought into the open Dronas partiality towards his favorite disciple.In later days ,Arjuna became the best in all arts.
Drona was happy that Arjuna became the best and regarding his love towards him.He was confident that now Arjuna could go and win over his enemy,Drupada.
Then only he could rest peaceful.He gave many divyaasthrams to Arjuna.

Sunday 16 October 2011


Vaisampaayanudu started telling the story .A sage by name Gowthama had a son named saradvanthudu.He was born with arrows and bows.So he was named like that.He learnt dhanurvedamu.Indra was afraid of his penance and sent an apsarasa named Jalapadi.Saradvanthudu swa Jalapadi and he was filled with lust for her.He lost himself and in that moment Bows and arrows left his body and fell on the ground.He had semen release which which fell on the ground in two places .From them,One boy and a girl were born.Santhanu maharaju saw the children,bows and arrows,and krishnaajinamulu .He took pity on the children and brought them home.
As the king gave them shelter with pity,the boy was called Krupa and the girl as Krupi.He made the efficient in all the fields and in education.Bheeshma called for Krupaachaarydu and told him teach all his talents in archery to Paandavaas and kouravas.Both pandavaas and kouravaas became efficient in archry under his guidance.Besides these ,other pupils belonging to other casted like Yaadavaas also learnt these form him.

A sage by name Bharadwaajudu one day went for a bath in river Ganges.He swa an apsarasa and lost his control.HE TOO collected his semen in adronamu.So the boy who was born from that was named as Drona.Drupadudu and Dronudu started learning from Bharadwaaja .Later Drupada became the king of Paanchaaladesam.
Drona married Krupas sister Krupi.They had a son named Aswatthaama.He want to Parasuraama and requested him to teach all that was known to him.Parasuraama accepted his request and taught him how to use and recall all the divyaasthramulu and the concerned manthras .He also taught him dhanurvidya techniques.Then Drona went to his childhood friend Drupada ,who was now the king of Paanchaaladesam.He asked him with all the love and affection whether he could recognise his childhood friend.
But Drupada was headstrong with his stature and power.He made him ashamed by saying that great kings like him would not have cheap friends like him. And told him to go away.Drona was humiliated to the utmost extent and he came to Hasthinaapauram along with his wife,son ,agnihothram and pupils.

Saturday 15 October 2011


Inspite of Madri s protests and the curseof Kindamuni ,Pandu raju involved in consummation with Madri.He died because of the curse.She was weeping falling on his dead body.Kuntheedevi came running and saw what had happened.Madri felt she was responsible for her husbands death.She requested Kunthee to look after her children and committed Sathee sahagamanam with her husbands dead body.Sages of Sathasrungam consoled Kunthee and her children.They took them to Hasthinaapuram.They told aBOUT THE HAPPENINGS TO Bheeshma and others.They explained that PANDU RAJU DIED Ten days earlier.Bheeshma and others took Kunthee and her children into their shelter.They performed Rites to Panduraju on his death.
Oneday,Vyaasa maharshi cameand told his mother ,Sathyavathi that future is bleak when compared to the present.Dhrutharashtras children are wicked.Bad will come out of their cruelty to the clan.Dhrutharashtra has to bear the bruntof the wicked deeds of Kouravas.He advised themto goto the forests and observe penance.With Bheeshmas acceptance,Sathyavathi took Ambika and Ambalika along with her for vaanaprasthaasramam.All three of them died doing penance.
Dhrutharashtra was looking after his brothers children also with love and affection. He did not show any difference among them.Pandurajus children also behaved well and every one loved them.But Kouravas were jealous of Bheemasena as he was very strong and won in every field and also in games and sports.Duryodhana wanted to kill Bheemasena. Because then only elemenating others would become easy.Then they can rule the kingdom without any obstruction or competition.They tried many a time but failed miserably in their attempts.They were ashamed of their failures.But they tried again and again.Bheeshma made kouravas and Pandavas learn archery with Drona.Drona told them and made them practice yuddhavidyalu also(battle secrets and tips).
Vaisampaayana was telling thus.Then Janamejaya maharaju requested him to tell the story of the sages Krupa and Drona also.Vaisampayana sage started telling him thus.

Friday 14 October 2011


Taking her husbands advise,Kunthee prayed Vaayudeva with Durvaasa munis manthras and conceived.She gave birth to Bheemasena after one year. Aakaasavaani named him as Bheemasena.The same day Gaandhaari gave birth to Duryodhana with kali amsa in Ghrutha kumbham(ghee pots).Many bad omens occured at the time of Duryodhanas birth. Next with Vaisya woman ,Dhrutharaashtra had a son,Yuyuthsava.Next day all other children ,Dussaasana and others and Dussala were born simultaneously.
One day ,Bheeshma,Vidura and other austere Brahmins and purohiths came to Dhrutharashtra, .They told that on the birth of Duryodhana many bad omens occured.Because of that great calamity and death of people in large scale might occur.So we have to leave him and save tha vamsa.Even if Duryodhana was not there ,there were still hundred more children for them.But Dhrutharashtra lent a deaf ear to their pleas.Panduraju also came to know that Dhrutharashtra had ason Duryodhana.He did a severe penance.Indra gave him a boon. With Durvaasas manthra effect.and advise of her husband ,Kunthee again conceived and gave birth to a very good and efficient boy.Aakaasavvani told that the boy would be famous as Arjuna.He would win over all the enemies.During that time ,dedundubhulu sounded.It rained flowers.During that time,prajaapathulu,sooryulu,vasuvulu and many eminent people came to see the child and bless him.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


AT ONE TIME Pandu raju went to Himalayas along with his wives,Kunthi and Madri.
He went there for hunting.He killed one of the two deers which were involved in consummation.He did not even consider for a single moment ,that it is blasphemous two kill when they were involved in promotion of their progeny.One of the deers fell down dying and said so. He was a sage named kindamudu.He and his wife wanted to enjoy sex in the guise of deers.So they were moving about in forest in a romantic mood.Pandu raju killed such deers.Heartless people and rough and tough people also do not kill animals which are involved in sex as it is a very pious act.Pandu raju was born in a very high family which is reputed.He is not supposed to do such heinous acts.He cursed that pANDU RAJU WOULD DIE IF HE desires his wives.So from then onwards ,Pandu raju was doing severe penance.

One day he saw some sages go to heaven and he too wanted to go to heaven.But he knew the reality that a person who had no children could not reach heaven.He was depressed.Then those sages consoled him with divines blessings he too would have children in future.Pandu Raju then asked his wife ,Kuntheedevi ,to have children with some other persons.Kunthee disagreed with him in this issue.They told each other Pyushithaasvuni story and Swethakethu story to emphasize their line of thinking.Then Kunthee told him about The boon of Durvaasa muni and the manthropadesamu.As per Pandurajus directions,Kunthee prayed Dharmadevatha with the manthropadesam given by Durvasa maharshi.She became pregnant.On an auspicious day a boy was born, Aakaasavaani told that He would become the king of kuruvamsa.He would be righteous man.He would be ferocious.So he should be named as Yudhishtara.
As per the boon of Vyasa maharshi,Gaandhaari too became pregnant.She could not give birth even after an year.Knowing that Kunthee gave birth to a good and nice boy,she felt jelous and unrestful and she beat at her womb.The embryo fell down .At that time,Vyas maharshi came cur the embryo into 101 bits and put them in separate ghee pots. He told them to maintain proper humidity for the embryos by sprinkling water now and then.By doing so, Gandhari would have 100 sons and one daughter.

Thursday 6 October 2011


Dhrutharashtra and Panduraju learnt all the talents.Bheeshma came to know that princess of Gaandhaara ,Gaandhari had the blessing that she would be the mother of 101 children.He wanted to make her the wife of Dhrutharashtra.King of Gaandhaara also accepted this proposal.Sakuni,son of the king of Gaandhaara brought his sister to Hasthinapura ang got her married to Dhrutharashtra.Her other sisters named Sathyavratha,Sudeshna,Samhitha,Thejassrava,Susrava,Subhasambhava,and dasaarna were also married to him.Bheeshma brought some other good charactered ladies also and got them married to Dhrutharashtra.Gaandhaari thought she did not want eyesight which her husband lacked.So tied her eyes with acloth to prove her Paathivrathyam.She continued this constantly.
Paanduraaju became more efficient in all the facets of learning.He made veryone proud with his talents and docilty towards elders.Bheeshma was more optimistic that because of Panduraaju only the dynasty kurus would prosper in future.
He wanted to get him married and started in that direction.
In the meantime,Kuntheebhojudu declared swayamvaram for his daughter ,Kunthee devi.Paanduraaju defeated other princes in the competetion and won Kunthee devis hand in marriage.after that bhheshmas acceptance ,he married Maadri,princess of Madraraajyam.Hedefeated many kings all over.They were all made saamanthulu of Dhrutharaashtra.Those kings gave huge wealth to Dhrutharaashtra.The wealth he eanrned,pANDURAAJU DISTRIBUTED AMONG bHEESHMA,Ambika,Ambalika and Brahmins.With the help of Paandraaju ,Dhrutharashtra succesfully completed hundred Aswamdheyaagas.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Next day Sathyavathi made Vyaasa oblige to impregnate Ambalika also.He obliged. But She too became pale due to fear of Vyasa at the time of consummation.Nextday ,Vyasa told his mother that the child would be full of valor, continuer of dynasty.But as Ambalika was pale due to fear ,he would be born with pale skin ie pandurogam.Vyasa left them.As depicted by Vyasa,Ambika gave birth to Blind son ,who was named as Dhrutharashtra.Ambalika gave birth to a son with skin disease.He was thus named as Paanduraaju.Bheeshma looked after them.Sathyavathi was sad because Dhrutharaashtra was blind.She again called for Vyasa.She requested to give them a son who is devoid of any defects. vYASA Obliged and said that they should Come wholeheartedly.Sathyavathi again sent Ambika .But Ambika was detested Vyasas getup.So by the Vyasa came she made her servantmaid lie down on her cot.That servant maid served Vyasa with reverence and shared his bed that night. Yamudu ,as per the curse of Mandavya .,was born to her as Vidurudu.Sathyavathi aghast with these developments.They treated Vidura also equally along with Dhrutharashtra and Panduraaju.They were all educated equally. Bheeshma amde Dhrutharashtra as the king. Bheeshmas valor combined with Viduras diplomacy and the kingdom was ruled successfully.

Monday 19 September 2011

Vyaasuni arrival--devara nyaayamu

One day Sathyavathi requeste Bheeshma to get married and continue the dynasty.He had many responsibilities.She was dictating him to become the king, marry and save the dynasty.Bheeshma pleaded with her not to force hom to break his oath. Ambika and Ambalika can concieve through good Brahmins and continue the vamsa.Sathyavathi was happy with Bheeshmas stubbornness.The she told That Vyasa maharshi was born to her.If Bheeshma would agree ,she would call for Vyaasa and see that Amika and Ambalika would be impregnated by Vyaasa.Bheeshma gladly accepted for this arrangement.On her directions .Vyaasa came .Bheeshma and Sathyavathi welcomed him warmly.Then she told him of her ideas.Vyaasa accepted to make them concieve his children.Sathyavathi,then went to Ambika and told to be ready for her brotherinlaw,Vyasa.Vyasa came that night to Ambika.She was afraid of his sages attire anf closed her eyes during the act.Next morning ,Vyasa came to his mother and told her that Ambika would give birth to a warrior ,but as Amika closed her eyes during consummation.the child would be blind.  

Friday 16 September 2011

Vichithraveeryuni vivaahamu-maranamu

During that time Kaasi raaju wanted to get His three daughters,AMBA,AMBIKA AND AMBALIKA MARRIED.He announced swayamvaram  for them. Bheesham consulted his mother,Sathyavathi on this topic and went on a chariot to Kaasi nagaram.There he took all three of Kaasirajus daughters on to his chariot and declared that he was taking them to get them married to his brother ,Vichithraveeryudu.Other kings who came to attend and participate in swayamvaram fought with him and were defeated.Another king by name Saalvudu fought with BHEESHMA ALONG WITH HUGE army .He also was defeated and Saalva fainted on the battleground.Bheeshma brought all the three girls to Hasthinapura and was ready to marry them off to his brother.But at that Amba told Bheeshma that Saalva king was interested in her and her father was also amicable to give her hand to SAalva in marriage. So Bheeshma should  do what is right.Bheeshma consulted with Brahmins regarding pros and cons Sent her to Saalva king with due respect. He saw that Ambika and Ambalika were married to Vichithra veerya.Vichithra was a lust ful man and he was living with his wives all the time lustfully and died because of his weakness.Bheeshma consoled hismother and brothers wives.He completed the last rites for his brother. He was looking after the kingdom which had no king.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Devavrathuni prathigna

Santhanudu went to hunting one day. He scented a bewitching smell and went in search of it along The banks of Yamuna.There he saw a beautiful lady by name Yojanagandhi.He was moonstruck by her beauty.He went to her father,Daasa raaju and requested him to give his daughter in marriage to him.Daasa raaju put a condition that Yojanagandhis son should be the next king. Then only he would accept Santhanus wish.He was adamant in his demand. So Santhanu returned to the kingdom and was unhappy.Devavrathudu enquired him what was the reason. His son told him about his wish. Devavrathudu discussed with others and went to Daasa raaju and requested him to give his daughter yojanagandhi-Sathyavathi to his father. Daasa raaju told him about his demand. Then Devavrathudu said that he would not compete for the kingdom. But Daasaraaju expressed doubt that his sons would demand kingdom. THen Devavrathudu took oath that he would not marry in his life time. Everyone praised his love and affection for his father.
Daasaraju gave his daughter in marriage to Santhanudu. Santhanudu was happy that he could marry Sathyavathi because of Devavrathas sacrifice of married life only. He gave him boon that he could die when ever he wanted.He had no death.
Santhanudu had two children,Chithraangadudu and Vichithraveeryudu.Santhanudu passed away.Bheeshma performed last rites tohis father. He made Chithraangadudu as the king.But Chithraangadudu fought with Gandharva by name Chithraangadudu and died.Then Bheeshma made Vichithraveeryudu as the king.He grew up to marriageable age.

Friday 9 September 2011


One day, when Pratheepudu was donig thapa on the banks of Ganges, Ganga came there like a woman.She sat on hisright thigh and asked him to marry her. He refused to do so because he was already married and loved his wife. ASshe sat on his right thigh ,she was equal to his offspiring.So she could marry his son.Ganga also obliged.Prathee made his son the king and went to the forest for thapa. While going he told his son about Ganga and told him to marry her with questioning anything if ever she came to him,as he had already given word to her.
One day SAnthana,son of Pratheepudu, went near the banks of Ganges. There he saw a beautiful lady and he fell for fer.She could understand his plight. She told him that she too was interested in him but he had to abide by certain conditions put forth by her.He should never question her acts anytime.He should not lose temper with her and scold her.If he does any of these things she would leave him.If he was ready to accept her conditions ,she was willing to marry him.Santhanu did not say asingle word. He accepted all her conditions.
He did not know that she was river Ganges and she did not inform her identity.
Vasuvulu including Varunudu were cursed by Vasishta for snatching his Kaamadhenu to be born as men in bhooloka. All of them were born to Ganga and she promptly dumped them in the river Ganges.Santhanud was afraid to question her acts for the fear that she would leave him.Shesank seven of her children like that.She gave birth to a son for the eighth time.Santhanudu could not control his anger.It was rare to have male children and she was killing them mercilessly.She was cruel He would not let her kill his son this time also.
She reminded him that her conditions were violated by his outburst and she could not stay with him.She named the Devavrathudu and left with the boy.
Santhanudu was shocked immensely by these developments.He returned to his country and ruled his people in a right path.On day he went hunting and came across Ganga on its banks. She came to return his son to him.The boy learnt veda vedaangamulu by Vasishta.In archery ,his master was Parasuramudu and was equal to him in archery.She gave the boy to Santhana and went away. THe king was very happy and made him the prince.Four years passed thus.

Thursday 8 September 2011


Vaisampaayana started the story as follows.In olden days ,in yikshwaaku dynasty a king named Mahaabhishudu was born.He was arighteous man.He performed thousands of Aswamedhayaagas,and hundreds of Raajasooya yaagaas.H ebecame friend of Devathas. After his demise , he reached Devaloka and was serving Brahma along with devarshulu.Oneday Ganga came to their assembly like a woman. During that time her uppercloth got disoriented. Everyone present there looked aside except Mahaabhishudu. He looked at her longingly. She too responded to his looks positively.Brahma observed Mahaabhishus guesture and got angry THAT he behaved as a normal human being even after coming to devaloka. He cursed him to be borne in marthya loka.

Then Mahaabhishudu requested Brahma that among raajarshis Pratheepudu was the only goodnaturedman. So he should be blessed to be born to him.Brahma okayed his wish,. So MAHAABHISHUDU WAS BORN TO Pratheepudu as Santhana.
Even Ganga was interested in Mahaabhishudu.Eight VASUVULU were cursed by Vasishta for snatching Kaamadhenuvu, that they would be born as men. They were depressed.Ganga saw them and asked the reason for their unhappiness. Then they told about Vasishtas curse to them. They pleaded her to let them be born to her and Santhana.AS they could not live long life in bhooloka, they requested her to kill all of them by downing in Ganges as soon as they were born.

Then Ganga replied that her maternal instinct can not kill all the children born. At least one should lead longlastinglife. For that they said that last born child would acquire all their remaining life and live longer.But she had to kill all of the raining Vasuvulu immediately.Ganga obliged theri wish. So like thsi, bheeshma who was born toas the youngets child lived forever.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Janamejayuni yagnamu

Abhimanya was theson of Arjuna and Subhadra.Parikshitthu was the son of Abhimanya.Janamejaya maharaju was the son of Parikshitthu.In view of the welfare of his people ,the king wanted to perform yaga which was almost eternal.In heaven, there was a dog named Sarama. Her pupy came to bhooloka and was wandering in this place where yaga was being conducted.Sruthasenudu,Bheemasenudu,ugrasenudu were brothers of Janamejaya. They kicked and hurt this dog.This dog went his mother weeping and explained what had happened. Sarama came and told of the atrocities of his brothers and wished bad for them and went to heaven.

In those days, maharshi named Udankudu came to theking and told him to perform Sarpayaaga.Because Thakshakudu,a snake, hurt him while he was going on some important deed.He also Killed Parikshithalso.Janamejaya startedperforming this Sarpayaaga to terminate all the snakes.Thakshakudu was afraid and sought the help of Indra to save his dynastyand him.Indra knew about the Saapa of nagamaatha Kadruva ,and the effect of Astheekudu, who was the son of Jarathkaaruvu.All famous and main snakes were falling in the yagnaagni. Then Vasuki told Jarathkaaruvu to send her son Astheekudu and see that yagna was stopped.Vasuki requested them to save snake clan.Aastheekudu told them that he woulddo so as per their request and went to yagna saala with reputed vedavetthalu.They praised Janamejaya ,the king very profusely and aptly.They all wished good for him and his people,. Every one was happy about these peopleThen Aastheekudu started saying To the king so. King was the jewel of Ckadravamsa dynasty.He was making his people happy with his rightful attitude and rule.He was great like his predecessors,Dharmaraaju aand others.Yagnas that were conducted byNala maharaju,Dharmarajus raajasuyamu, brahma yagnamu,varunudu yagnamu,sreekrishnuni yagnamu,Chandruni yagnamu and Janamejayuni yagnam , all were at par.They were so precious and prestigeous.He praised Janamejayuni dynasty,his dynasty,Yagnaagni and yaagnikaas who performed the yagna succesfully.
King was pleasantly surprised and happy by these praises and requested him ask for whatever favor he wanted.
Then Aastheekudu requested him to lose anger and temper ,become kindhearted and stop the sarpayaaga and save the sarpa dynasty.

Everyone present there also requested the king to oblge Aastheekuni plea and the obliged happily.As a result of this Thakshakudu and other snakes saved.
After wards , one day Vyaasa maharshi came to Janamejaya.  Janamejaya requested him about thestory of his great grand fathers, pandavas and kouravas.Vyaasa maharshi directed his disciple ,Vaisampaayana muni,to tell mahabharatha kadha to the king.Vaisampaayanudu started telling him all the incidents.


In bharatha khanda,there is a place called Naimisaaranyam convenient for doing thapas,yagnas.In this plateau Sounaka maharshi wanted to do yagna for twelve years.Knowing about this great yagna, sages, literates and other distinguished people  came there from all over India.Ugrasravasudu,son of Romaharsha also came there.all sages went tohim and requested him to tell them Mahabharatha which was told by Vyaasa maharshi.Then Suthudu meditated about Vyaasa and started telling them the story of Mahabharatha.