Thursday 1 August 2013

Utthara gograhanam

Duryodhanas army captured the cattle herds of northern side.meagre army staying there could not control them. They ran back and informed Utthara kumara,son of the time ,he was in the company of  women enjoying himself. He wanted boast his valour before them. He replied that he could procure an efficient person to manage his chariot,he would go and win Kouravas army.
Malini overheard these dialogues. She  went and informed Uththara,Viratas daughter,that Bruhannala was an able man who can drive and handle the chariot of even Arjuna .
When Uththara told her brother of this, he laughed that how can even one accept an eunuch to steer him in the war.but he was made to accept this arrangement because he had no other option.

But by seeing the huge and vast army of Kouravas he lost his composure. He wanted to flee from the battlefield and save his life.but Arjuna did not heed his wailings and took him to the battlefield. uththara kumara was afraid to fight with Kouravas .then Arjuna told him to manage the chariot and he would fight them and win.then Arjuna took him to the tree where they secretly kept their weapons,bows and arrows.

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