Tuesday 13 August 2013

Udyoga parvamu

Near and dear ones who came to attend the marriage of Abhimanyu and Uththara stayed there for some more time.oneday Krishna addressed all of them like this.Pandavas were righteous people. They underwent many difficulties and problems with Sakuni and Kouravas.though they humiliated and ill treated Pandavas kept cool and maintained their righteousness. Time came to help these good people as well wishers.we should form a group and send an able person to Suyodhana to see that every thing is settled on a good note.
Bala rama was of the opinion that the person who is presenting them should pacify Suyodhana and see that both the groups become one.because Dharmaraju was in the wrong in the beginning itself by accepting to play dice .
Saathyaki deplored Balaraamas  attitude.he said that Suyodhana would never accept to their idea of giving back Pandavas rightful kingdom to them. But they had to ask him to give back Pandavas due to them ,otherwise they should be prepared for war.

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