Monday 12 August 2013

Arjuna reveals their identity

Next day morning Pandavas wore attire of kings and went to the assembly of Virata.Dharmaraju sat on the throne of Virata. virata was aghast to see Kankubhattu sitting on his throne.then Arjuna said that Kankubhattu was worthy of sitting on the throne because he performed many yagnas and he was Dharmaraju.Virata King was astonished by that reply and questioned him as to where his other brothers were if he were Dharmaraju. Then Arjuna explained that the main cook,Valaludu was Bheema. Damagrandhi, the main horseman, was Nakula. Sairandhri,Malini ,was Droupadi.Bheema introduced Bruhannala to Virata as Arjuna.
Then Uththara kumara intervened and convinced his father that Arjuna helped him in uththara gograhanam and in fighting and winning over Kouravas.

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