Friday 28 February 2014

kourava leaders find hiding place of Duryodhana

Sanjaya continued telling details of the war to Dhrutharashtra. women ,who were residing in the palaces were weeping for their husbands,sons,brothers,and relatives who lost their lives in the war.Yuyuthsudu sawthem. Yuyuthsudu was the son of Dhrutharashtra and was born to vaisya woman.Just before Kurukshethra war ,he joined pandavas .He thought that crying and weeping of women of the palaces was not a good omen. So ,he requested Dharmaraju and Sree Krishna to take those women to Hasthinapura from the war field.Dharmaraju and Sree Krishna gave their consent and he went to Kouravas tents to take those servants and women to Hasthinapura. Seeing their place silent and morose,Krupaachaaryudu,Kruthavarma and Aswathdhaama were very unhappy.Obseriving Pandavas approach that place they went away.Pandavas were searching for Duryodhana.They pacified those who were weeping and left for their tents.By that time,Sanjaya,Krupaacharyudu and others reached the pond ,where Duryodhana hid himself.Duryodhana came out after their calling him.They requested the king to come out and fight with the enemy. they would either lose their lives fightin or win the war. both are respectable to hiding. But Duryodhana did not accept their suggestion. He said that he was injured by arrows and was not fit to fight with the enemy. He would take rest that night and think about the future ,the next day. Aswathdhaama felt very emotional at seeing Duryodhana ,in such troubled circumstances. He took oath that he would win over Pandavas and bring back the kingdom to the king.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Duryodhana flees from warfield

Seeing all these developments,Duryodhana wanted to move away from that spot.Man,who managed eleven akshouhinis of army ,now stood alone in the war field.Duryodhana got down from his chariot,took his mace ie gada and walked away from there in silence.Sanjaya told these things to Dhrutharashtra.Dhrutharashtra asked Sanjaya to tell him about Duryodhana. Duryodhana walked and came to a tank.He thought of hiding himself in the pond.that tank is named Dvaipaayanam.Sanjaya went to that spot also. Duryodhana did not have the face to look at Sanjaya.Duryodhana was meek and desperate.He enquired Sanjaya as to who others survived in the battle. Sanjaya replied him that Krupaachaaryudu ,Kruthavarma and Aswathdhaama were alive. Duryodhana ,then replied him. On our side,excpt me,no one survived.But on pandavas side,all are alive.I quit from the war.They might give me some part of the kingdom.But I dont want it.For the present ,I would hide myself in this tank.After wards,I will move out from here.I would definitely take revenge against pandavas at some other time.Duryodhana knew jalasthambhana vidya. So ,he would be safe there. At that time,Krupaachaaryudu,Kruthavarma and ASWATHDHAAMA CAME THERE searching their king.They saw Sanjaya there and enquired if dDURYODHANA WERE STILL ALIVE.Sanjaya replied them that Duryodhana was hiding in the tank.They felt sorry that DSuryodhana did not know that they were alive still. In the mean time, pandavas were coming there ,all excited about their victory. So,these people moved away silently.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Salya killed by Dharmaraju

Dharmaraju prayed to give him to kill Salya.He started attacking Salya .He broke salyas chariot .Salya came to attack Dharmaraju even from the ground.Bheema Salyas armour.Salya adorned another armour and came back to fight with them.He aptly refuted arrows of Saathyaki,Dhrushtadyumna,Sikhandi,Nakula,Sahadeva,Bheema and sons of Droupadi and came to attack Dharmaraju ferociously.Dharmaraju prayed Sree Krishna.Dharmaraju had aweapon named Sakthi,given by Lord Shiva.He used that weapon to kill Salya.It went directly and broke Salyas armour and pierced his chest.Salya fell down and lost his life.Pandava armies celebrated Salyas death.Kourava armies backed out.Saathyaki was attcking them but Krutha varma gave him stiff fight.Arjuna also killed many kourava warriors .Saathyaki killed Saalva king.Kruthavarma encouraged kourava armies and fought .Bheema was fighting with Aswathdhaama.Sakuni was fighting with Nakula and Sahadeva. He killed Dharmarajus horses.Dharmaraju came back on another chariot and fought with Sakuni.Ulookudu,son of Sakuni,attacked Nakula. Sakuni,along with ten thousand horse and infantry,attacked pandava armies from behind.Dharmaraju directed Sahadeva to fight with Sakuni.Sakuni could not give equal attack and turned back.Sahadeva captured three thousand horses nad returned to Dharmaraju.On Sakunis advice,Duryodhana attacked Pandava armies with his army.Dharmaraju attacked kourava armies effectively and efficiently. Krupaachaarya,Kruthavarma and Aswathdhaama were searching for Duryodhana.Krupaachaarya was searching Sakuni.kOURAVA ARMIES DID NOT HAVE A LEADER TO TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. They were all in hafazardus condition.Sahadeva killed Ulooka,Sakunis son.Sakuni wept for his sons loss. He remembered the good advice given by Vidura which he did not pay heed at that time.He attacked Sahadeva and but he broke Sakunis bow and arrows. Sakuni ran away from the war field.Duryodhana saw this and felt unhappy with these developments.Sahadeva did not leave Skuni.He followed him and broke his chariot and his horses.He broke his flag mast.He beheaded Sakuni.Dharmaraju,Pandavas and Sree Krishna applauded him. they blew their conches in happiness.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Salya parvamu...

Dharmaraju learnt the fact that Salya was made the army chief by Duryodhana.He asked Krishna as what should be their next move. Sree Krishna boosted Dharmarajus morale by saying that he was the apt person to put an end to Salya.Nextday,Salya formed his army in sarvatho bhadra vyooham. Both the armies started their fight.Bheema and Arjuna fought with full mettle.Dhrushtadyumna also fought ferociously and kourava armies ran for safety.Salya collected all those armies and gave stiff fight for the pandava armies.At that time,bad omens appeared among kourava armies.But no one cared for them. Dharmaraju attacked Salya.Krupaachaaryudu,Kruthavarma and Aswathdhama came to Salyas help.Bheema killed Salyas horses.Bheema and Salya fought and at last fainted.Kourava armies surrounded Bheema.Arjuna attacked armies of Thrigartha kings.Arjuna and Aswathdhaama were involved in fight.Every one appreciated Salyas mastery in fighting.Arjuna defeated Aswathdhaama and attacked Krupaachaarya and Kruthavarma afresh.Nakula and Dharmaraju attacked Salya.Salya was at his best that day. Dharmaraju called his people and told the plan.You killed Bheeshma and many other great warriors. Today I would kill Salya.But Nakula,Sahadeva,Dhrushtadyumna and Sathyaki should give him protection.Bheema and Arjuna should stand in the front.Salya and Dharmaraju rained arrows at each other.Salya could not withstand Dharmarajus onslaught.So,observing this,ASWATHDHAAMA took him away fromthere in his chariot.Salya alighted another chariot and came to fight Dharmaraju again.He attacked Bheema,Saathyaki,Nakula and Sahadeva also.At one stage,Salya fainted ,but got up and attacked.Dharmaraju broke Salyas bow and his armour.Salya killed Dharmarajus charioteer.

Friday 7 February 2014

dialogue between KRUPA AND DURYODHANA

Next day Sanjaya returned to Hasthina from Kurukshethra.He was crying aloud while coming to Dhrutharashtras palace.Dhrutharashtra was resolved mentally to the utmost tragedy. He asked Sanjaya to tell him about the latest developments.After Karnas death,Duryodhana did not go to his cabin.He went and sat in a spacious place.Krupaachaarya tried to tell him some good advice.Duryodhana!I want to tell you something good. Please hear it and implement it if you feel like it.Bheeshma,Drona,Karna and many such great warriors have perished in the hands of Pandavas.Others are tired and lost their ineterest in war.While at the same time,Pandavas,who are in the protection of Krishna are in good shape and condition. They have not lost their interest.Even while we tried to protect Saindhava from Arjuna,we failed miserably. It had been seventeen days ,since we started the war.all our armies are tired and exhausted.So ,it would in our best interest to go for truce with Dharmaraju.This is the apt time for truce. You have to decide it for yourself.First,you haqve to protect yourself.Dharmaraju would definitely give your share of the kingdom definitely.I am not telling all this to protect myself but to protect you only. Duryodhana understood Krupaachaaryas mind.He replied him like this. Krupaachaarya! I fully well understand your good intentions. But at this stage,I can not take that decision.Being an emperor till,I can not go and beg Dharmaraju now.I can not go and beg pleasures from pandavas at this juncture.I will fight with the remaining armies till my last drop of blood.I will definitely win over them.His followers liked his strong and unwavering bent of mind. They,then left that place and went to Saraswathi river and bathed there.Then Dyryodhana asked Aswathdhaama to point out an able person to guide the armies. Aswathdhaama suggested Salya,because he was a valiant warrior and an able army chief.Other than that,he left Pandavas side,though he was their close relative and came towards Kouravas. So ,he would be pleased if they gave that highest post of army chief to him.So,Salya was made army chief officially.