Tuesday 30 July 2013

Dharmaraju tested for righteousness

Pandavas again went to Dvaithavanam.One day one Brahmin came to Dharmaraju . He asked that his ARAni(a tool used in lighting fire during yagnas)was lost. Accidentally it got caught by the horns of a deer and it ran into the forest.He wanted it back so that there would be no hindrance to his daily chores as  a sage.
Dharmaraju  and his brothers followed that deer and tried to catch hold of it. But they failed to do so.deer disappeared and Pandavas were exhausted.they took rest under a peepal tree.Dharmaraju sent Nakula to bring water for him.Nakula went to a pond and was about to collect water . But a devil staying there told him to answer its questions. Then only he could collect water.but he disobeyed its orders. As a result, he fainted there itself. Simliar fate was faced by Sahadeva, Arjuna and Bheema.

Dharmaraju came searching for his brothers and saw all of them in that condition.he too wanted to drink water from that pond and he too heard the same words.he answered all the questions put forth by that devil.But actually he was an Yaksha. He was satisfied by the answers given by Dharma raju.
He said that he could make only one of his brothers alive.so it was Dharmarajus choice to select whom he wanted alive. harmaraju requested him to make his brother,Nakula to be made alive. aksha asked him why he did not choose his  two aliant brothers,Bheema and Arjuna,why did he choose Nakula.

Then Dharmaraju replied that his father had tow wives,Kunthi and Madri. kunthis eldest son, Dharmaraju was alive. So it is justified that he request for the life of Madris eldest son .Yaksha praised him for his righteousness and told that he would make all his brothers to come alive. All his brothers got up as if from sleep.Dharma raju then asked Yaksha actually who he was. Then ,he replied that he was diety of righteousness and he came to test Dharmarajus righteousness.he was pleased and he gave a boon to him as to whatever he wanted ,he would sanction.

Then,Dharmaraju asked for Arani which the Brahmin lost due to the act of deer.yaksha was still more pleased and told him the truth that actually he himself came in the guise of a deer and ran with the arani of the Brahmin. It was all done to put Dharmaraju to the test .

Then the diety of righteousness blessed them that their term  of maining in the forest was over. Agnaatavasam was yet to be completed. During that period of disguise, no one would identify them as Pandavas. So, they could complete that one year in disguise would also be completed  succesfully.

Pandavas turned happily to their abode. rahmin was also happy because he got back his arani.he too showered his blessings on Pandavas.

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