Tuesday 28 May 2013

Aranya parvamu--Akshayapaathra

Paandavas left the city for woods.People followed them but Dharmaraju sent them back.But brahmins did not leave them and followed them.Paandavas reached a village by name,Pramaanamu on the banks of Ganges.Dharmaraju was tensed as how to feed the Brahmins aho came to him with their families.Then Sounika Brahmarshi told him the way out.Dharmaraju told of his problem to his official priest,Dhoumyudu.On his adivise,Dharmaraju prayed Aadithya sincerely.Soorya appeared and gave him AKSHAYAPAATHRA,BY USING WHICH Droupadi can make and feed food for any number of people.After sometime,Paandavas reached Kaamyakavanam.

Dhrutharaashtra ,one day,called Vidura and enquired about Paandavas and about their plans.Vidura advised him to return their kingdomto them.Other wise ,they would never let live their foes.Vidura requested Dhritharaashtra to protect kuruvamsa.Dhrutharaashtra lost his temper and told him to go to Paandavas because he was partial towards Paandavaas.Vidura left the kingdom and lived with Paandavas at Kaamyakavanam for few days.But Dharmaraju sent Vidura back to Dhrutharashtra along with Sanjaya.By then Dhrutharashtra also learnt his folly.He requested Vidura to forgive his loose tongue.But Duryodhana did not like VIdura returning back to them.Duryodhana was preparing to wage war against Paandavaas.Veda vyaas Maharshi came to know of these developments and warned them not to proceed with their vicious schemes.But Dhrutharasshtra could not control his sons deeds because of excess towards his son.Then Vyaasa  told that he would be sending another sage,Mythreyudu  to Duryodhana to explain things .

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