Tuesday 24 April 2012

Pandavas win over the world

Sri krishna gave word of confidence and consolation to people of Magadha.He released all the kings who were arrested by Jarasandha.They were ALL GREATFUL to Krishna for releasing them.Jarasandhas son,Sahadeva pleaded for protection and Krishna gave him.Sri Krishna went to Dwaraka along with Dharmaraju.Dharmaraju sent Bheema towards eastern side,Arjuna western side,Nakula northen side and Sahadeva southern side to win all the kings and kingdoms in those areas.All were enthusiastic regarding the target given to them by their brother.They proceeded to conquer the world.Arjuna won over all the kings in northern region.He collected huge amounts of gold and money as gifts and welcomed them to attend Rajasooyayaagam of Dharmaraju.He returned to Indraprastha with huge treasures.Bheema also went towards Eastern side and collected huge amounts of valuable worth and returned to Indraprastha.Sahadeva went southern side and conquered Paandya and Kerala regions.He went to Lanka and Collected money and gifts from Vibheeshana.Nakula also collected huge treasures from his journey towards western side and returned to Indraprastha with huge treasures.With collections from all the four brothers and Sri Krishna Dharmaraju Became richer than Kubera.

With blessings of sages,Dhoumya and vyasa maharshi,Dharmaraju started Raajasooya yaagam.Krupaachaarya looked after gifts,presents and dakshina to bhokthas.Bheeshma and Drona looked after things which were completed and yet to be completed and  in what manner.Vidura was allotted to look after all the expenses incurred.Duryodhana was allotted to recieve all the gifts and presents presented by all the kings and samanthas.Dussaasana was required to look after the food arrangements.

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