Sunday 27 May 2012

Droupadi belittled

Dhrutharashtra knew that Sakunis plan to defeat Pandavas in wrong ways was unjustified.But still he okayed their plans Because of his love for his son,Duryodhana.They built a new building to play maayaajoodamu.DHrutharashtra told About Duryodhanas plans to Vidura in privacy.Vidura was against it.Even calm natured people also get friction in this type of games.He did not give consent for such act.But Dhrutharashtra convinced him that elders were there to look after and pacify children if any differences arise.He sent Vidura to Indraprastha to bring Dharmaraju to participate in betting.Vidura discussed this with Bheeshma also.Because they could not say no to Dhrutharashtra,he went to Indraprastha to bring Dharmaraju.

Dharmaraju was not interested to play betting,but Sakuni made fun of him and instigated him to go for the play.Duryodhana then said That Sakuni would play on his behalf and Duryodhana would give the betting money.Dharmaraju was defeated in betting.He started betting his brothers and even Droupadi.Duryodhana then directed Vidura to send for Droupadi to clean the hall.Vidura scolded Duryodhana for his acts and they would only bring disaster to him.But Duryodhana sent a servant,Praathikaami to bring Droupadi to the hall.

Droupadi was dumb struck to hear these words from Praathikaami.She then told him to go back and enquire Whether Dharmaraju lost Droupadi first or used her as a bet after losing himself in the game.But Duryodhana sent him back to bring her and let her know the reality herself by asking the question in the assembly hall.Droupadi came there weeping.Pandavas  heads drooped seeing her like that.Duryodhana directed Dussaasana to bring her to him.When Dussaasana was coming to her,She said that she could not come bwcause she was in her periods.Then dUSSASANA LAUGHED AT HER SAYING THAT It does not matter if she were dressed or nude.Saying so he dragged her to the assembly.

Bheema was very angry for his elder brothers.bECAUSE Dharmaraju knew that Sakuni and Duryodhana were cunnign and not fair.He should not have indulged in playing.Arjuna subsided him.Vikarna also found fault with Duryodhana and Dussasanas act.But Karna chided him and told all was fair.

Duryodhana then commanded Pandavas and Droupadi to remove their dressing.Pandavs removed.Droupadi stood still with shame.Dussasana started removing her saree from her.But due to miracle and Krishnas Blesseing he could not succeed in removing her saree completely.Bheema was angered by all these acts.He took oath that he would kill Dussaasana and Duryodhana in battle and drink their Blood.Then Karna made fun of Droupadi that  to have one good husband is better than having five worthless husbands.Duryodhana guestured her to sit on his thigh,a vulgar guesture.

Monday 14 May 2012

Duryodhanas negative attitude

Duryodhana also wanted to see the grandeur of mayasabha.They stayed little longer at Indraprastha.He was awe struck at the beauty of the palace and was roaming about enjoying the place.The place was like a mirage or hallucination.He would think  that doors were closed when open and vice versa.Once he thought that the doors were open when in actual reality they were closed.He struck the wall thinking the doors were open.He felt ashamed when Droupadi and Pandavas laughed at the incident.Dharmaraju came to know about the incident.To pacify Duryodhana he gifted Clothes and ornaments.Duryodhana could not digest his disgrace and returned to his home.After returning to Hasthina he felt jealous of Dharmaraju who could succesfully complete Rajasooya yaagam.He did not know how to repay for his humiliation and suffered mentally for his humiliation.He could neither sleep peacefully nor eat.He could not enjoy the pleasures oy royal household.Sakuni observed the behaviour of his niece.He learnt about his misery.He boosted his morale and took him to Dhrutharashtra.Dhrutharashtra also could assess the mental depression of his son.He wanted to know the reason behind his sons pathos.Duryodhana then explained the happy disposition of Pandavas and the humiliation he incurred there in the hands of Droupadi and Pandavas.

Sakuni then told that  even by wrong means he would curb the riches of Pandavas and handover them to Duryodhana.Duryodhana then pressurised his father to permit them to destroy Pandavas even by wrong means.Sakuni took oath before Dhrutharashtra and his other sons that he would grab the riches of Pandavas and gift them to Duryodhana by worng means.Because they could never defeat them in right full manner.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Raajasooya yaagamu--

Dharmaraju started raajasooya yaagamu.All those who were invited came to see tha yagna.Narada,Bheeshma,Sree krishna were the highlights there.It went on beautifully.Narada praised The way it was performed and he acclaimed Dharmarajus Righteousness.Dharmaraju decided to give Sree krishna fruits of the yagna.Everyone welcomed his decision.But king of Chedi,Sisupaala was against it.He could not digest this decision.He blamed Dharmaraju ,Bheeshma and Krishna for this and walked out with his men.Dharmaraju walked behind him and tried to pacify him.Bheeshma chided him saying that Sisupaala lacked fineness.But in fact we pray Sree is as if we pray all the dieties in the universe.Sahadeva replied that there was no doubt among them in giving arghya to Krishna .Whoever decides to go against would be killed under his feet.Everyone was aghast hearing his words fearing the out come.But dieties from Swarga showered flowers on him.

Sisupaala  was more angry than before after hearing BHeeshmas words.He abused Bheema saying he was not a human being.Bheema could no longer his cool.He became angry and got up to kill Sisupaala.bUT bHEESHMA stopped him by saying that Till he commits hundred mistakes he should be let off.His death was in the hands of Krishna only.That was why he couldnot be killed by Bheeshmas arrows.

Sisupaala could not realise that his death was nearing him.He abused Bheeshma,Pandavas and Sree krishna.Earlier Sri krishna gave to his aunt that he would not kill Her son,Sisupaala till he makes hundred mistakes.So he was patient.But Sisupaala crossed his limits.So ,he let off his Sudarsana chakra which cut his throat.
Like this Raajasooya yaagam was completed.Pandavs were happy and Kouravas were unhappy with these developments.All the kings praised Dharmaraju and his brothers.On the directions of Dharmaraju,Bheema sena gave warm send off to Bheeshma and dhrutharashtra.Arjuna gave send off to Drupada.Nakula gave send off to Subala karna and salya.Sahadeva arranged the journey of Krupa,Drona and Aswathdhaama  to their places.Dhrushtadhyumna looked after return journey of Virata raju and bhagavadaththa.Abhimanyudu looked after arrangement of Parvatha raju.Sree Krishna also left for Dwaraka and blessed Dharmaraju all the best in his future.Dharmaraju was very happy.He requested Krishna to look after their welfare even when he was at Dwaraka.All the Pandavas walked behind him for certain distance.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Pandavas win over the world

Sri krishna gave word of confidence and consolation to people of Magadha.He released all the kings who were arrested by Jarasandha.They were ALL GREATFUL to Krishna for releasing them.Jarasandhas son,Sahadeva pleaded for protection and Krishna gave him.Sri Krishna went to Dwaraka along with Dharmaraju.Dharmaraju sent Bheema towards eastern side,Arjuna western side,Nakula northen side and Sahadeva southern side to win all the kings and kingdoms in those areas.All were enthusiastic regarding the target given to them by their brother.They proceeded to conquer the world.Arjuna won over all the kings in northern region.He collected huge amounts of gold and money as gifts and welcomed them to attend Rajasooyayaagam of Dharmaraju.He returned to Indraprastha with huge treasures.Bheema also went towards Eastern side and collected huge amounts of valuable worth and returned to Indraprastha.Sahadeva went southern side and conquered Paandya and Kerala regions.He went to Lanka and Collected money and gifts from Vibheeshana.Nakula also collected huge treasures from his journey towards western side and returned to Indraprastha with huge treasures.With collections from all the four brothers and Sri Krishna Dharmaraju Became richer than Kubera.

With blessings of sages,Dhoumya and vyasa maharshi,Dharmaraju started Raajasooya yaagam.Krupaachaarya looked after gifts,presents and dakshina to bhokthas.Bheeshma and Drona looked after things which were completed and yet to be completed and  in what manner.Vidura was allotted to look after all the expenses incurred.Duryodhana was allotted to recieve all the gifts and presents presented by all the kings and samanthas.Dussaasana was required to look after the food arrangements.

Sunday 26 February 2012


Sree krishna told Yudhishtara that he the most able person to undertake raajasooya yaagamu.His brothers were great warriors.Jaraasandha was living Girivrajamu.He should be killed first.By his death,raajasooyayaagamu will be completed.Yudhishtara need not vascillate in this issue.He has to make plans as how to assassinate him.Bheema told Yudhishtara that with the help of SreeKrishna and Arjuna he would kill Jaraasandha.Bheema was eager to complete this task.Sree krishna  explained to them assets and weakness od Jaraasandha.Krishna told that Bheema would definitely kill Jaraasandha in wrestling.Arjunas added protection,Bheemas strength,Krishnas moral support are always with Yudhishtara.So,nothing was impossible for Yudhishtara.

With the blessinmgs of Yudhishtara Sree Krishna ,Bheema and Arjuna started for Jaraasandhas termination.They reached Girivrajam.They entered his house from back side.They introduced themselves to Jaraasandha and told him that they came to kill him.They would release all the kings who were in his captivity.Bheema and Arjuna were great warriors who would belittle him and kill him mercilessly

Jaraasandha was very angry with them.He asked with which weapon did they want to fight him.Sree Krishna told him to choose with whom he wanted to fight.That person would kill him in wrestling.Jaraasandha also wanted to fight with his equal.So ,he chose to fight with Bheema.So,they started to fight in a ferocious manner.Both were equal in their fight and strength.Sree Krishna Was encouraging Bheema to win over Jaraasandha.Bheema lifted Jaraasandha and wrung him hundred times.With that force and velocity,Blood started to ooze from his nostrils and ears.Bheema broke his bones by throwing him on to the ground.He killed him in a grotesque way.He dragged the dead body near the entrance of his house.People were afraid to look at the dead body.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Sabha parvamu-thought of rajasooya yaagamu

Mayudu was happy that his life was saved by Arjuna.He asked Arjuna what he should do to make him happy.Arjuna turned to Sree krishna and guestured him to give some work to Mayudu.Sree krishna thought for a long time  and came to the conclusion .He asked him to build a mansion which befits Dharmaraju and which proves his expertise and gratitude towards Arjuna.Mayudu accepted this offer.He built a beautiful and magnanimous mansion.It took fourteen months for him to complete it.He directed Eight thousand demons to carry it and place it in Indraprastham.
He gave gada and sankhma to Bheema.Dharmaraju Entered the building with the blessings of Dhoumyaadulu.Dharmaraju sked Narada to describe Indralokasabha.Narada explained him in detail.During his explanation he told that Harischandra was in heaven and Panduraju in hell.Narada explained about the rishis,kings and dieties that attended indra sabha.

Dharmaraju could not digest the fact that Harischandra was in heaven while Panduraju was in hell.He enquired Narada the reason behind this fact.Then Narada told him that Harischandra performed Raja sooyayaagamu.Panduraju could not do it during his life time.That was the reason why he got entry into Indra sabha and was being respected by Indra and other dieties.Panduraju requested Narada to explain this fact to his son Dharmaraju when he went to them.If Dharraju performed Raajasooyayaagam,Panduraju along with his forefathers would get access to Heaven and entry into Indra sabha.

Dharmaraju decided to perform Raja sooya yaagam as per his fathers wish.He knew only Krishna was capable of doing it and making it a grand success.He called for Sree krishna.Sree krishna also reached him as soon as he learnt the newa.Dharmaraju asked for his opinion and advise in this regard.He said that they would act as per his directions in this deed.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Khaandava vanadahanamu

At that time,Agni came in the guise of a brahmin Krishna andArjuna.He looked tired.THey welcomed him.He told them that he wanted limitless food.If they could provide that much food to him,they could give him the food he liked most.THEY ACCEDED his wish.Then he said he was Agni.The food he wants to relish is Indras Khandava vanam.Indra is protecting it as if it was amrutham.He very alert and sincere in protecting it.So many animals are living there in plenty.Both of you are masters in archery.You are warriors.You can with hold Indra.If you can protect me ,I will put it to flames and fulfill my hunger.Arjuna said that he had sufficient powerful arrows to control Indra.But to face Indra with equal fervor,he does not have efficient bow,Chariot and horses to keep him in a better position in war.Even Sree krishna does not have sufficient arms to fight Indra.Though they had interest and power to fight Indra,they could not give word to Agni to proceed.Then Agni gave him powerful Bow named Gandivam,Akshaya bana thuneeramu,celestial chariot and horses.How many he might use ,as many arrows will be there for him to fight.He gave Sudarsana chakram which can cut off all the power of the opponents.And gada named Koumodaki.He explained their features to them.Then he anxiously started to lit fire to the forest.Devathas were afraid and complained to Indra about this fact.Indra created Clouds to pour rain on the flames. Arjuna made un umbrella with his arrows so that not even a single drop of water fell on the flames.During that time,Thakshakas son,Aswasena.serpent king,was going along with his mother in the sky.At that time.Due to Arjunas arrow,his tail was cut and his mother in the flames.Arjuna wanted to kill Aswasena also.But Indra saved him by using his powers.Indras army rounded off Krishna and Arjuna ,but they fought and won.Hearing akaasavaanis suggestion,Indra asked his army to back out.Mayudu,Brother of demon Namuchi asked Arjuna for refuge.Arjuna protected him.Khandava dahanam was a miraculous act.Ordinary mortals could not do it.So Indra came to felicitate Arjuna and Krishna for their valor.Indra gave many Divyaasthras to Arjuna.He requested Krishna to be a friend of Arjuna forever.

Friday 13 January 2012

Arjunas pilgrimage

One day,thieves took away homadhenuvu of one of the Brahmins.He came weeping to Arjuna and requested him to kill the thieves and get back his cow.He hastened hi to save its calf also.At that time Dharmaraju was with Droupadi in the hall where arms are kept.Arjuna could not think of anything except save the cow and calf of the Brahmin.He went to the place where arms are kept and collected his arms.He killed thieves and brought back the cow and calf and gave them to THE brahmin.He went and stood before Dharmaraju with folded hands.As per rules ,he should not have gone there where Dharmaraju and Droupadi were staying.So he started for pilgrimage for one year.While he was performing vratha ,daughter of Nagaraja,Uloochi ,saw him and fell in love.She took him along with agnihomam to her palace.After completing the vratha ,Arjuna asked her about her name,her parentage and why she fell in love with him so deeply. She replied that She was the daughter of Kouravyudu,snake king.She wooed him.If Arjuna does not accept her,she would die.She promised that she would not come in the way of his vratham and it would not be vratha bhangam if he accepts her that night.He accepted and made her his wife.He had a son,yiraavanthudu,by her.Next day ,he left Nagaloka and reached the banks of Ganga. Then he reached a kingdom,Manipooru.That king,Chithravaahanudu recieved and respected him.Arjuna wanted to marry his daughter,Chithrangada.Chithravaahanudu came to know about this fact and was happy to give his daughter to Arjuna in marriage.He put the condition that the born to Chithraangada would become vamsakartha of his dynasty.Arjuna obliged his wish and married Chithraangada.He stayed there for sometime and had a son,Babhruvaahana.Arjuna gave him to Chithravahana as vamsakartha and left for seaside.He the reached Prabhaasatheerdhamu near western side of the sea.He reached Dwaraka in the guise of a yathi..He was doing Dhyana in favor of Krishna from there.Sree krishna came to know about Arjunas arrival and went to meet him alone.Arjuna repspected him properly.Krishna enquired as to how his penance was going on.He also enquired about people at Indraprastham.He also observed Arjunas ideas about Subhadra,his sister. Subhadra was frequently coming to Raivathaka hill to pray.Arjuna was looking at her longingly.Krishna admonished him laughingly that yathis are not supposed to look at women in such fashion.He also said that he knew about Arjunas love and affection towards Subhadra.He gave word that he would see that his wish is fulfilled.Because ,he would talk to Devaki and Vasudavudu and tell them about Arjunas interest in Subhadra .So he can be confident that his wish would materialise.He sent word to Dharmaraju also that Arjuna was safe with him. At that time,Balarama came there.He could not identify Arjuna ,but thought he was yathi.He paid tributes to him.Herequested Arjuna to perform Chaathurmaasya vratham at Dwaraka along with them.He appointed his Sister,Subhadra to look after yathi.He was made to stay at Subhadras palace.Subhadra also could not recognise Arjuna.She too thought him to be yathi and used to serve him with all the respect. One day,she asked About Paanduraju puthrulu and their welfare.Was Kunthee davi Alright?Did Arjuna return from pilgrimage? If he knew about these things,she requested him to tell her.Then Arjuna said that he himself was Arjuna.He came in the guise of yathi for her sake only.He wanted that they get married soon as gandharva vivaham.She was happy to note that he Arjuna.She went to her palace blushing.Sree krishna was also of the same opinionHe wanted to get them married without notifying anyone.Arjuna and Subhadra were eager to get married soon.As soon as they thought of it,Sreekrishna,Akroorudu,,Indra,sachidevi,Vasishta and pther rishis came to Dwaraka.Balaraama and his people did not come.Marriage was done pompously.Sree krishna told Arjuna to take Subhadra to Indraprastha.He then went to Anthardweepam as if he knew nothing of these incidents. Arjuna did as Krishna told him.Subhadra was running the chariot while Arjuna fought with Yaadava soldiers.He won the war and went to Indraprastha along with Subhadra.As per Krishnas directions.Yadava soldiers settled back.As per Arjunas instructions,Subhadra went along with Milkmaids to Kuntheedevi and took her blessings.Kunthee blessed that her husband would become a grea warrior and she would be proud mother to a great warrior.Subhadra stayed with Kkunthee devi.Arjuna entered Indraprastha valiantly along with many warriors.In the mean while,Sreekrishna and Balaraama also reached with many gifts.They had a son Abhimanyu.He was a master in archery.Abhimanyu learnt Archery from Arjuna and vedavedaangamulu from Dhoumyuni. Droupadi also gave birth to Prathivindhya,Sruthasoma,Sruthakeerthi,Sathaaneeka,Sruthasenudu to her five husbands respectively.They are called as upapaandavulu.