Sunday 27 May 2012

Droupadi belittled

Dhrutharashtra knew that Sakunis plan to defeat Pandavas in wrong ways was unjustified.But still he okayed their plans Because of his love for his son,Duryodhana.They built a new building to play maayaajoodamu.DHrutharashtra told About Duryodhanas plans to Vidura in privacy.Vidura was against it.Even calm natured people also get friction in this type of games.He did not give consent for such act.But Dhrutharashtra convinced him that elders were there to look after and pacify children if any differences arise.He sent Vidura to Indraprastha to bring Dharmaraju to participate in betting.Vidura discussed this with Bheeshma also.Because they could not say no to Dhrutharashtra,he went to Indraprastha to bring Dharmaraju.

Dharmaraju was not interested to play betting,but Sakuni made fun of him and instigated him to go for the play.Duryodhana then said That Sakuni would play on his behalf and Duryodhana would give the betting money.Dharmaraju was defeated in betting.He started betting his brothers and even Droupadi.Duryodhana then directed Vidura to send for Droupadi to clean the hall.Vidura scolded Duryodhana for his acts and they would only bring disaster to him.But Duryodhana sent a servant,Praathikaami to bring Droupadi to the hall.

Droupadi was dumb struck to hear these words from Praathikaami.She then told him to go back and enquire Whether Dharmaraju lost Droupadi first or used her as a bet after losing himself in the game.But Duryodhana sent him back to bring her and let her know the reality herself by asking the question in the assembly hall.Droupadi came there weeping.Pandavas  heads drooped seeing her like that.Duryodhana directed Dussaasana to bring her to him.When Dussaasana was coming to her,She said that she could not come bwcause she was in her periods.Then dUSSASANA LAUGHED AT HER SAYING THAT It does not matter if she were dressed or nude.Saying so he dragged her to the assembly.

Bheema was very angry for his elder brothers.bECAUSE Dharmaraju knew that Sakuni and Duryodhana were cunnign and not fair.He should not have indulged in playing.Arjuna subsided him.Vikarna also found fault with Duryodhana and Dussasanas act.But Karna chided him and told all was fair.

Duryodhana then commanded Pandavas and Droupadi to remove their dressing.Pandavs removed.Droupadi stood still with shame.Dussasana started removing her saree from her.But due to miracle and Krishnas Blesseing he could not succeed in removing her saree completely.Bheema was angered by all these acts.He took oath that he would kill Dussaasana and Duryodhana in battle and drink their Blood.Then Karna made fun of Droupadi that  to have one good husband is better than having five worthless husbands.Duryodhana guestured her to sit on his thigh,a vulgar guesture.

Monday 14 May 2012

Duryodhanas negative attitude

Duryodhana also wanted to see the grandeur of mayasabha.They stayed little longer at Indraprastha.He was awe struck at the beauty of the palace and was roaming about enjoying the place.The place was like a mirage or hallucination.He would think  that doors were closed when open and vice versa.Once he thought that the doors were open when in actual reality they were closed.He struck the wall thinking the doors were open.He felt ashamed when Droupadi and Pandavas laughed at the incident.Dharmaraju came to know about the incident.To pacify Duryodhana he gifted Clothes and ornaments.Duryodhana could not digest his disgrace and returned to his home.After returning to Hasthina he felt jealous of Dharmaraju who could succesfully complete Rajasooya yaagam.He did not know how to repay for his humiliation and suffered mentally for his humiliation.He could neither sleep peacefully nor eat.He could not enjoy the pleasures oy royal household.Sakuni observed the behaviour of his niece.He learnt about his misery.He boosted his morale and took him to Dhrutharashtra.Dhrutharashtra also could assess the mental depression of his son.He wanted to know the reason behind his sons pathos.Duryodhana then explained the happy disposition of Pandavas and the humiliation he incurred there in the hands of Droupadi and Pandavas.

Sakuni then told that  even by wrong means he would curb the riches of Pandavas and handover them to Duryodhana.Duryodhana then pressurised his father to permit them to destroy Pandavas even by wrong means.Sakuni took oath before Dhrutharashtra and his other sons that he would grab the riches of Pandavas and gift them to Duryodhana by worng means.Because they could never defeat them in right full manner.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Raajasooya yaagamu--

Dharmaraju started raajasooya yaagamu.All those who were invited came to see tha yagna.Narada,Bheeshma,Sree krishna were the highlights there.It went on beautifully.Narada praised The way it was performed and he acclaimed Dharmarajus Righteousness.Dharmaraju decided to give Sree krishna fruits of the yagna.Everyone welcomed his decision.But king of Chedi,Sisupaala was against it.He could not digest this decision.He blamed Dharmaraju ,Bheeshma and Krishna for this and walked out with his men.Dharmaraju walked behind him and tried to pacify him.Bheeshma chided him saying that Sisupaala lacked fineness.But in fact we pray Sree is as if we pray all the dieties in the universe.Sahadeva replied that there was no doubt among them in giving arghya to Krishna .Whoever decides to go against would be killed under his feet.Everyone was aghast hearing his words fearing the out come.But dieties from Swarga showered flowers on him.

Sisupaala  was more angry than before after hearing BHeeshmas words.He abused Bheema saying he was not a human being.Bheema could no longer his cool.He became angry and got up to kill Sisupaala.bUT bHEESHMA stopped him by saying that Till he commits hundred mistakes he should be let off.His death was in the hands of Krishna only.That was why he couldnot be killed by Bheeshmas arrows.

Sisupaala could not realise that his death was nearing him.He abused Bheeshma,Pandavas and Sree krishna.Earlier Sri krishna gave to his aunt that he would not kill Her son,Sisupaala till he makes hundred mistakes.So he was patient.But Sisupaala crossed his limits.So ,he let off his Sudarsana chakra which cut his throat.
Like this Raajasooya yaagam was completed.Pandavs were happy and Kouravas were unhappy with these developments.All the kings praised Dharmaraju and his brothers.On the directions of Dharmaraju,Bheema sena gave warm send off to Bheeshma and dhrutharashtra.Arjuna gave send off to Drupada.Nakula gave send off to Subala karna and salya.Sahadeva arranged the journey of Krupa,Drona and Aswathdhaama  to their places.Dhrushtadhyumna looked after return journey of Virata raju and bhagavadaththa.Abhimanyudu looked after arrangement of Parvatha raju.Sree Krishna also left for Dwaraka and blessed Dharmaraju all the best in his future.Dharmaraju was very happy.He requested Krishna to look after their welfare even when he was at Dwaraka.All the Pandavas walked behind him for certain distance.