Sunday 26 February 2012


Sree krishna told Yudhishtara that he the most able person to undertake raajasooya yaagamu.His brothers were great warriors.Jaraasandha was living Girivrajamu.He should be killed first.By his death,raajasooyayaagamu will be completed.Yudhishtara need not vascillate in this issue.He has to make plans as how to assassinate him.Bheema told Yudhishtara that with the help of SreeKrishna and Arjuna he would kill Jaraasandha.Bheema was eager to complete this task.Sree krishna  explained to them assets and weakness od Jaraasandha.Krishna told that Bheema would definitely kill Jaraasandha in wrestling.Arjunas added protection,Bheemas strength,Krishnas moral support are always with Yudhishtara.So,nothing was impossible for Yudhishtara.

With the blessinmgs of Yudhishtara Sree Krishna ,Bheema and Arjuna started for Jaraasandhas termination.They reached Girivrajam.They entered his house from back side.They introduced themselves to Jaraasandha and told him that they came to kill him.They would release all the kings who were in his captivity.Bheema and Arjuna were great warriors who would belittle him and kill him mercilessly

Jaraasandha was very angry with them.He asked with which weapon did they want to fight him.Sree Krishna told him to choose with whom he wanted to fight.That person would kill him in wrestling.Jaraasandha also wanted to fight with his equal.So ,he chose to fight with Bheema.So,they started to fight in a ferocious manner.Both were equal in their fight and strength.Sree Krishna Was encouraging Bheema to win over Jaraasandha.Bheema lifted Jaraasandha and wrung him hundred times.With that force and velocity,Blood started to ooze from his nostrils and ears.Bheema broke his bones by throwing him on to the ground.He killed him in a grotesque way.He dragged the dead body near the entrance of his house.People were afraid to look at the dead body.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Sabha parvamu-thought of rajasooya yaagamu

Mayudu was happy that his life was saved by Arjuna.He asked Arjuna what he should do to make him happy.Arjuna turned to Sree krishna and guestured him to give some work to Mayudu.Sree krishna thought for a long time  and came to the conclusion .He asked him to build a mansion which befits Dharmaraju and which proves his expertise and gratitude towards Arjuna.Mayudu accepted this offer.He built a beautiful and magnanimous mansion.It took fourteen months for him to complete it.He directed Eight thousand demons to carry it and place it in Indraprastham.
He gave gada and sankhma to Bheema.Dharmaraju Entered the building with the blessings of Dhoumyaadulu.Dharmaraju sked Narada to describe Indralokasabha.Narada explained him in detail.During his explanation he told that Harischandra was in heaven and Panduraju in hell.Narada explained about the rishis,kings and dieties that attended indra sabha.

Dharmaraju could not digest the fact that Harischandra was in heaven while Panduraju was in hell.He enquired Narada the reason behind this fact.Then Narada told him that Harischandra performed Raja sooyayaagamu.Panduraju could not do it during his life time.That was the reason why he got entry into Indra sabha and was being respected by Indra and other dieties.Panduraju requested Narada to explain this fact to his son Dharmaraju when he went to them.If Dharraju performed Raajasooyayaagam,Panduraju along with his forefathers would get access to Heaven and entry into Indra sabha.

Dharmaraju decided to perform Raja sooya yaagam as per his fathers wish.He knew only Krishna was capable of doing it and making it a grand success.He called for Sree krishna.Sree krishna also reached him as soon as he learnt the newa.Dharmaraju asked for his opinion and advise in this regard.He said that they would act as per his directions in this deed.