Thursday 22 December 2011

Dharmarajus rule

One day Dhrutharashtra declared in full meeting of all the members that he was giving half the kingdom to Pandavas eldest one,Yudhishtara.He gave all the wealth of Panduraju to him.He told him to rule his part of the kingdom making Khandavaprastham as the capital.Paandavas went to Khandavaprastham along with Sree krishna.Krishna called Indra .Indra called Viswakarma and bade him to create beautiful palace,.They named it as Indraprastha.Dharmaraju ruled the king .Droupadi was the queen.The country was prospering beautifully.Krishna returned to Dwaraka after some time.He told them that Narada would come and they had to follow his instructions.Narada told them that five husband having one wife is unusual in this world.Trouble may shoot up in future.To ward of it,they should have some decent procedure to follow . Then they thought that Droupadi would become wife to one person only for one year.During that time .others should stay away.If at all,they streepass or violate this rule,They have to stay away for one year and go to religious places.All accepted this rule and were living happily.

Sunday 18 December 2011


Duryodhana and his men were worried about Pandavas success.They were seriously thinking about how to destroy them.Vidurudu was happy about welfare of Pandavas.He told Dhrutharashtra that Pandavas married Droupadi and were happy.Dhrutharashtra was also happy for Vidura.One day Karna ,Duryodhana and others went to Dhrutharashtra.If by planning ,they could kill Bheema, Karna can kill Arjuna.It WOULD BE EASY THEN TO kill other Pandavas.Dhrutharashtra was also of same opinion but advised them to be cautious.He called for Bheeshma,Drona,Vidura,Kropaacharylu,Aswathdhaama,Soma dattha and other well wishers and asked for their opinion in this matter.Bheeshma told that Dhrutharashtra and Panduraju were same to him.He would not side any person.He did not want them to develop grudge against Pandavas.For the kingdom,Pandavas were also as eligible as were Duryodhana and his other brothers.So it would be better if they gave the rightful portion of kingdom that is due to Panduraju to Pandavas.Dronacharyudu also sided with Bheeshma.Vidurudu also told them to call Pandavas and give their portion to themrightfully.They pleaded with Dhrutharashtra to see that no damage is done to the people due to vicious thinking of Duryodhana.
At that time Dhrutharashtra told Bheeshma and others that he would follow their advise.He told Vidura to bring Pandavas.Vidura went to Drupadapuram to bring Pandavas.Sreekrishna was also there.Vidura gave them gifts and told Drupada king to send Pandavas to Hasthina.Pandavas took leave of Drupada and went to Hasthina along with Kuntheedevi,Sreekrishna and dhrushtadyumnudu along with huge army.Knowing about their arrival,Dhrutharashtra sent Vikarna chithrasena,Drona and Krupaachaaryulu to welcome them.Every one respected elders.Like this ,Pandavas and KOuravas lived together happily for five years.

Monday 12 December 2011


Dhrushtadyumana came to Pandavas and requested them to alitechariots and go to their king.Pandavas went to Drupada along with Kunthi and Droupadi.Drupada gave them many gifts but they took only swords and armors.Drpada could identify that they belonged to Kshathriya vamsa by seeing their stature.THey sat in appropriate seats fit for kings.
Dharmaraju told Drupada that they were of royal blood.They were sons of Panduraju.He introduced all his younger brothers and his mother.Drupada was very happy .Then Dharmaraju said that as per their mothers wish they all would marry Droupadi.Drupada was aghast and said that they would decide on it the next day.Vyasa maharshi came then .He was welcomed warmly and seated properly.Then Drupada told the sage about the latest issue.Vyasa maharshi then directed Drupada to marry his daughter to all the five Pandavas without any doubt.Vyasa showed him their previous birth by his power.He then agreed to to the marriage.Vyasa maharshi said that moon was with Rohini star that day.It was an auspicious day.So ,all the five members can marry Droupadi that day.Dhoumyudu was the holy priest who performed their marriages.
Droupadi was also loving all her husbands equally.Everyone loved her wholeheartedly in return.Kunthi also loved her Daughter in law.Kunthi taught her gruhinee dharmam.Sree krishna also came to know about their marriage to Droupadi and was happy.He too sent them gifts.Pandavas lived happily with Droupadi in Drupadas town.