Bheema and arjuna came home taking Droupadi also along with them.Dharmaraju also came at the same time along with Nakula and Sahadeva.Kunthee was happy to see her children return.Bhema and Arjuna told her mother they brought bhiksha and she replied that all should share equally without seeing droupadi.Later she turned and saw Droupadi.She was ashamed at her reply and was worried.Dharmaraju consoled his mother.He turned towards Arjuna and told him to her as he won her in the contest.
But unusually everyone was interested in her as awife.Dharmaraju could percieve their reaction.He remembered Vyasa maharshis words.He could understand and thought that according to their mothers wish ,Droupadi should become wife to all of them.Sreekrishna and Balaraludu came to see Dharmaraju and they introduced themselves to Kunthee.They blessed Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula and Sahadeva .All were happy.Krishna said that good days were about to come for Pandavas and left with Balarama.Drpadudu also saw Dhrushtadyumna and told him to bring everyone for the function.