Wednesday 21 September 2011


Next day Sathyavathi made Vyaasa oblige to impregnate Ambalika also.He obliged. But She too became pale due to fear of Vyasa at the time of consummation.Nextday ,Vyasa told his mother that the child would be full of valor, continuer of dynasty.But as Ambalika was pale due to fear ,he would be born with pale skin ie pandurogam.Vyasa left them.As depicted by Vyasa,Ambika gave birth to Blind son ,who was named as Dhrutharashtra.Ambalika gave birth to a son with skin disease.He was thus named as Paanduraaju.Bheeshma looked after them.Sathyavathi was sad because Dhrutharaashtra was blind.She again called for Vyasa.She requested to give them a son who is devoid of any defects. vYASA Obliged and said that they should Come wholeheartedly.Sathyavathi again sent Ambika .But Ambika was detested Vyasas getup.So by the Vyasa came she made her servantmaid lie down on her cot.That servant maid served Vyasa with reverence and shared his bed that night. Yamudu ,as per the curse of Mandavya .,was born to her as Vidurudu.Sathyavathi aghast with these developments.They treated Vidura also equally along with Dhrutharashtra and Panduraaju.They were all educated equally. Bheeshma amde Dhrutharashtra as the king. Bheeshmas valor combined with Viduras diplomacy and the kingdom was ruled successfully.

Monday 19 September 2011

Vyaasuni arrival--devara nyaayamu

One day Sathyavathi requeste Bheeshma to get married and continue the dynasty.He had many responsibilities.She was dictating him to become the king, marry and save the dynasty.Bheeshma pleaded with her not to force hom to break his oath. Ambika and Ambalika can concieve through good Brahmins and continue the vamsa.Sathyavathi was happy with Bheeshmas stubbornness.The she told That Vyasa maharshi was born to her.If Bheeshma would agree ,she would call for Vyaasa and see that Amika and Ambalika would be impregnated by Vyaasa.Bheeshma gladly accepted for this arrangement.On her directions .Vyaasa came .Bheeshma and Sathyavathi welcomed him warmly.Then she told him of her ideas.Vyaasa accepted to make them concieve his children.Sathyavathi,then went to Ambika and told to be ready for her brotherinlaw,Vyasa.Vyasa came that night to Ambika.She was afraid of his sages attire anf closed her eyes during the act.Next morning ,Vyasa came to his mother and told her that Ambika would give birth to a warrior ,but as Amika closed her eyes during consummation.the child would be blind.  

Friday 16 September 2011

Vichithraveeryuni vivaahamu-maranamu

During that time Kaasi raaju wanted to get His three daughters,AMBA,AMBIKA AND AMBALIKA MARRIED.He announced swayamvaram  for them. Bheesham consulted his mother,Sathyavathi on this topic and went on a chariot to Kaasi nagaram.There he took all three of Kaasirajus daughters on to his chariot and declared that he was taking them to get them married to his brother ,Vichithraveeryudu.Other kings who came to attend and participate in swayamvaram fought with him and were defeated.Another king by name Saalvudu fought with BHEESHMA ALONG WITH HUGE army .He also was defeated and Saalva fainted on the battleground.Bheeshma brought all the three girls to Hasthinapura and was ready to marry them off to his brother.But at that Amba told Bheeshma that Saalva king was interested in her and her father was also amicable to give her hand to SAalva in marriage. So Bheeshma should  do what is right.Bheeshma consulted with Brahmins regarding pros and cons Sent her to Saalva king with due respect. He saw that Ambika and Ambalika were married to Vichithra veerya.Vichithra was a lust ful man and he was living with his wives all the time lustfully and died because of his weakness.Bheeshma consoled hismother and brothers wives.He completed the last rites for his brother. He was looking after the kingdom which had no king.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Devavrathuni prathigna

Santhanudu went to hunting one day. He scented a bewitching smell and went in search of it along The banks of Yamuna.There he saw a beautiful lady by name Yojanagandhi.He was moonstruck by her beauty.He went to her father,Daasa raaju and requested him to give his daughter in marriage to him.Daasa raaju put a condition that Yojanagandhis son should be the next king. Then only he would accept Santhanus wish.He was adamant in his demand. So Santhanu returned to the kingdom and was unhappy.Devavrathudu enquired him what was the reason. His son told him about his wish. Devavrathudu discussed with others and went to Daasa raaju and requested him to give his daughter yojanagandhi-Sathyavathi to his father. Daasa raaju told him about his demand. Then Devavrathudu said that he would not compete for the kingdom. But Daasaraaju expressed doubt that his sons would demand kingdom. THen Devavrathudu took oath that he would not marry in his life time. Everyone praised his love and affection for his father.
Daasaraju gave his daughter in marriage to Santhanudu. Santhanudu was happy that he could marry Sathyavathi because of Devavrathas sacrifice of married life only. He gave him boon that he could die when ever he wanted.He had no death.
Santhanudu had two children,Chithraangadudu and Vichithraveeryudu.Santhanudu passed away.Bheeshma performed last rites tohis father. He made Chithraangadudu as the king.But Chithraangadudu fought with Gandharva by name Chithraangadudu and died.Then Bheeshma made Vichithraveeryudu as the king.He grew up to marriageable age.

Friday 9 September 2011


One day, when Pratheepudu was donig thapa on the banks of Ganges, Ganga came there like a woman.She sat on hisright thigh and asked him to marry her. He refused to do so because he was already married and loved his wife. ASshe sat on his right thigh ,she was equal to his offspiring.So she could marry his son.Ganga also obliged.Prathee made his son the king and went to the forest for thapa. While going he told his son about Ganga and told him to marry her with questioning anything if ever she came to him,as he had already given word to her.
One day SAnthana,son of Pratheepudu, went near the banks of Ganges. There he saw a beautiful lady and he fell for fer.She could understand his plight. She told him that she too was interested in him but he had to abide by certain conditions put forth by her.He should never question her acts anytime.He should not lose temper with her and scold her.If he does any of these things she would leave him.If he was ready to accept her conditions ,she was willing to marry him.Santhanu did not say asingle word. He accepted all her conditions.
He did not know that she was river Ganges and she did not inform her identity.
Vasuvulu including Varunudu were cursed by Vasishta for snatching his Kaamadhenu to be born as men in bhooloka. All of them were born to Ganga and she promptly dumped them in the river Ganges.Santhanud was afraid to question her acts for the fear that she would leave him.Shesank seven of her children like that.She gave birth to a son for the eighth time.Santhanudu could not control his anger.It was rare to have male children and she was killing them mercilessly.She was cruel He would not let her kill his son this time also.
She reminded him that her conditions were violated by his outburst and she could not stay with him.She named the Devavrathudu and left with the boy.
Santhanudu was shocked immensely by these developments.He returned to his country and ruled his people in a right path.On day he went hunting and came across Ganga on its banks. She came to return his son to him.The boy learnt veda vedaangamulu by Vasishta.In archery ,his master was Parasuramudu and was equal to him in archery.She gave the boy to Santhana and went away. THe king was very happy and made him the prince.Four years passed thus.

Thursday 8 September 2011


Vaisampaayana started the story as follows.In olden days ,in yikshwaaku dynasty a king named Mahaabhishudu was born.He was arighteous man.He performed thousands of Aswamedhayaagas,and hundreds of Raajasooya yaagaas.H ebecame friend of Devathas. After his demise , he reached Devaloka and was serving Brahma along with devarshulu.Oneday Ganga came to their assembly like a woman. During that time her uppercloth got disoriented. Everyone present there looked aside except Mahaabhishudu. He looked at her longingly. She too responded to his looks positively.Brahma observed Mahaabhishus guesture and got angry THAT he behaved as a normal human being even after coming to devaloka. He cursed him to be borne in marthya loka.

Then Mahaabhishudu requested Brahma that among raajarshis Pratheepudu was the only goodnaturedman. So he should be blessed to be born to him.Brahma okayed his wish,. So MAHAABHISHUDU WAS BORN TO Pratheepudu as Santhana.
Even Ganga was interested in Mahaabhishudu.Eight VASUVULU were cursed by Vasishta for snatching Kaamadhenuvu, that they would be born as men. They were depressed.Ganga saw them and asked the reason for their unhappiness. Then they told about Vasishtas curse to them. They pleaded her to let them be born to her and Santhana.AS they could not live long life in bhooloka, they requested her to kill all of them by downing in Ganges as soon as they were born.

Then Ganga replied that her maternal instinct can not kill all the children born. At least one should lead longlastinglife. For that they said that last born child would acquire all their remaining life and live longer.But she had to kill all of the raining Vasuvulu immediately.Ganga obliged theri wish. So like thsi, bheeshma who was born toas the youngets child lived forever.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Janamejayuni yagnamu

Abhimanya was theson of Arjuna and Subhadra.Parikshitthu was the son of Abhimanya.Janamejaya maharaju was the son of Parikshitthu.In view of the welfare of his people ,the king wanted to perform yaga which was almost eternal.In heaven, there was a dog named Sarama. Her pupy came to bhooloka and was wandering in this place where yaga was being conducted.Sruthasenudu,Bheemasenudu,ugrasenudu were brothers of Janamejaya. They kicked and hurt this dog.This dog went his mother weeping and explained what had happened. Sarama came and told of the atrocities of his brothers and wished bad for them and went to heaven.

In those days, maharshi named Udankudu came to theking and told him to perform Sarpayaaga.Because Thakshakudu,a snake, hurt him while he was going on some important deed.He also Killed Parikshithalso.Janamejaya startedperforming this Sarpayaaga to terminate all the snakes.Thakshakudu was afraid and sought the help of Indra to save his dynastyand him.Indra knew about the Saapa of nagamaatha Kadruva ,and the effect of Astheekudu, who was the son of Jarathkaaruvu.All famous and main snakes were falling in the yagnaagni. Then Vasuki told Jarathkaaruvu to send her son Astheekudu and see that yagna was stopped.Vasuki requested them to save snake clan.Aastheekudu told them that he woulddo so as per their request and went to yagna saala with reputed vedavetthalu.They praised Janamejaya ,the king very profusely and aptly.They all wished good for him and his people,. Every one was happy about these peopleThen Aastheekudu started saying To the king so. King was the jewel of Ckadravamsa dynasty.He was making his people happy with his rightful attitude and rule.He was great like his predecessors,Dharmaraaju aand others.Yagnas that were conducted byNala maharaju,Dharmarajus raajasuyamu, brahma yagnamu,varunudu yagnamu,sreekrishnuni yagnamu,Chandruni yagnamu and Janamejayuni yagnam , all were at par.They were so precious and prestigeous.He praised Janamejayuni dynasty,his dynasty,Yagnaagni and yaagnikaas who performed the yagna succesfully.
King was pleasantly surprised and happy by these praises and requested him ask for whatever favor he wanted.
Then Aastheekudu requested him to lose anger and temper ,become kindhearted and stop the sarpayaaga and save the sarpa dynasty.

Everyone present there also requested the king to oblge Aastheekuni plea and the obliged happily.As a result of this Thakshakudu and other snakes saved.
After wards , one day Vyaasa maharshi came to Janamejaya.  Janamejaya requested him about thestory of his great grand fathers, pandavas and kouravas.Vyaasa maharshi directed his disciple ,Vaisampaayana muni,to tell mahabharatha kadha to the king.Vaisampaayanudu started telling him all the incidents.


In bharatha khanda,there is a place called Naimisaaranyam convenient for doing thapas,yagnas.In this plateau Sounaka maharshi wanted to do yagna for twelve years.Knowing about this great yagna, sages, literates and other distinguished people  came there from all over India.Ugrasravasudu,son of Romaharsha also came there.all sages went tohim and requested him to tell them Mahabharatha which was told by Vyaasa maharshi.Then Suthudu meditated about Vyaasa and started telling them the story of Mahabharatha.